The Cult Rules of Alcoholics Anonymous Status Quo for those Reprogrammed but not Healed meaning Not recovered at heart level.
Recovered– Self worth is restored, self love is apparent. Our self worth comes from God therefore if someone puts down AA it doesn’t trigger us to rage.
Reprogrammed– No recovery or healing has taken place at heart level therefore we only have reprogramming of the mind into the AA mindset program. Therefore if someone contradicts one of the AA mantras or the disease concept we attack them because it is an attack on our person we think.

Become who you really were meant to be or become an AA parrot.
If you follow these cult rules your a parrot.
All members must adhere to these rules or be considered non compliant.
Amendment #1 AA traditional mantras always take priority over Truth.
Amendment #2 If they put down or even show ideals contrary to AA status quos they put us down so we ATTACK.
Amendment #3 “Live and Let Live” is our Lie.
1. Members must download the directives of how to become an AA robot instead of becoming a clean & sober version of who we really are. You must be a copycat to fit in.
2. Quote mantras instead of using your own words.
3. make others look stupid so whenever possible so you don’t feel so stupid
4. never ever do self examination stay in blame.
5. blame others for your feelings
6. NEVER look at wrongs suffered “victimhood” is illegal in AA no matter what abuse is in your past.
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