Spiritual Windows of Opportunity from Heaven for Quantum Recovery

Quantum Recovery = Recovery that is made faster and easier by spiritual helps.  A recovery key of sorts into a realm of higher support team actions that make your overcoming addiction a fact in real time.

God gives us chances on earth to live when death is at hand. He allows us grace periods to see when we are blind. And there are windows of opportunity literal and spiritual that we can feel in our heart of hearts when they appear. For instance, if we were/are an addict in need of deliverance, a window would open in a 24 hour period in which if we made the right choice sobriety would come much easier and roll out like a magic red carpet even though the processes of recovery are very long and emotionally treacherous. With the right people at the right time we learn. Our choice would present a momentum toward good and healing

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Alcoholics Anonymous Self-Loathing

My Experience and Opinions for reasons people become addicts do not negate the need to do 12 step work, get a sponsor, and make amends etc to recover..

There is a valid reason you do not want to feel

If you ended up in the psych ward due to some antics you engaged in because of addiction or alcoholism then it’s time.   Are you done?  There is a reason that you feel better when your numb.  There is a reason that you are uncomfortable in your own skin.  As a matter of fact…since I have been sober over 14 years this time I have learned exactly the precise and many varied reasons I was uncomfortable and down right ashamed in my own skin.

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F.E.A.R. Face Everything And Recover

Your Right Where You’re Supposed to Be

So many times, during the first two years of recovery I felt as if I was somehow doing something wrong in my recovery or that something was not right with my progress.  I used to feel like my feelings themselves where wrong.  Especially if I were sad or fearful, on the edge of depression or angry.  I was fortunate to have effective group therapy which when combined with Alcoholics Anonymous kept me and several of my rehab-mates sober for a very long time.  We all had sexual abuse in our past and took our addiction to places we were ashamed of.  But I learned THERE IS NO WRONG FEELING, EVER.  THEY ALL COME FROM A VALID PLACE AND ARE THERE FOR A VALID REASON.  We don’t allow our feelings to rule us but intense feelings should be processed.

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Newly Sober but Rehabilitated Addicts in Alcoholics Anonymous, still on Probation can Find Honest Work?

How Newly Recovering Addicts and Alcoholics can start a whole new career via Etsy Seller.

First I have to say, Etsy, Amazon, and eBay protect their buyers from being ripped off just like eBay or Amazon would, if not more so.  But also, none of these selling platforms won’t ask you for your work history or your criminal history.  If you are responsible, and can be relied upon for respectful communication and treatment of customers and you sell a good hand made product, they WILL give you a chance to excel in their seller platform.  If you show yourself unreliable and customer unfriendly, well then you should not be in sales anyway and you would not grow in Etsy seller.

All you need to start is a product and a Paypal or bank account for the sales to flow into.

Common Scenario of a sober recovering addict

Your clean and sober but no one will hire you locally because you have a criminal record.  You have changed your ways, buy no one sees that.  All they see is the fact that you stole a candy bar in 2015 and went to jail.  You were drunk at the time and have recently gone to Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.  You got a year probation and NOBODY will hire you even though your more honest now than you have EVER BEEN.  All your AA sponsor can say is “expect distrust you have earned it!”  UHG!

Well guess what?  Online work may be right up your ally.  Not to mention sober recovering addicts tend to be very creative.  All we need do is practice our step eleven meditation, use our imagination, find our artistic flare and start creating something people want or need.   Then we put our products or art on a listing in Etsy Seller and be patient for the sales to start happening.

Don’t quit before the miracle happens.  It took me a good year to start making money on Etsy.  In the mean time I settled for an eBay and Amazon seller account which, just didn’t make the grade compared to Etsy systems and software.  Amazon and eBay started with a bang and fizzled out with a soft cry, while my Etsy store did a slow-grow-dance, the system testing my business along the way, as it flowered into a thriving burst of colorful energy painted with authentic handmade jewelry and outfits galore, with a steady income to boot.

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You can Clearly Identify the “Cunning and Baffling” behind your addiction.

Which in turn helps you recognize patterns of behavior and threats of relapse.

Know your enemy.  Know your addict….know yourself.  Love your enemy, Love your addict, Love yourself.


Addiction Cunning & Baffling Indeed

THE BAFFLING PART OF ADDICTION EXPLAINED. How does an emotional pain morph into spiritual blindness and darkness that would cause a man to self destruct?
Clearing up the EMOTIONAL wreckage of the past makes us less vulnerable to actions of fear and hurt toward self and others. Confessing our greatest fear(s) DOES render them powerless over us. In this sense we ARE as sick as our secrets. Shame is the leverage of darkness. Yet “shame” is something humans seldom want to explore within themselves to irrigate it with light. Why?

Because we are taught to never allow ourselves to be vulnerable. The deception is that if we expose our fear to the light people will use it against us. However it’s not the people that we need to be concerned with when it comes to fear. But rather the leverage of spiritual darkness in high places who exploit unconfessed shame. Every fourth step should include a shame and fear list that needs spoken out loud. The fear list should be repeated until it becomes a way of life to expose shame and fear to the light.

If you like this you may like Laura’s book “Paradise for the Hellbound”. It is not a typical Biblical text. And the book is not bent on social status quos. Read it free: http://www.recoveryfarmhouse.net/paradise-for-the-hellbound/

When Sobriety Becomes a Way of Life

What is addiction?

Addiction is not a Disease, but rather it is a spiritual malady and force of habit.  It is a poor self image and the presence of a broken heart.  Our heart can be healed and our habits can be changes.  We won’t relapse if we take the time to respect ourselves enough to realize not only did we hurt others but others hurt us deeply.  The certainly taught us as children that we were inferior and bad.  So we spent the rest of our days trying to prove that it wasn’t true while our own hearts believed that it was.

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We Addicts Are Programmed to Demoralize One Another

Disclaimer:  This article holds nothing back.  It is not a blame game but rather has identified common reasons for addiction.  Taking responsibility for our healing and recovery is still imperative to our emotional health.  But for those who do find addiction “cunning and baffling” this explains common causes.  If you want solutions they are all over this website but clearly this article is not solution oriented.  See The Cure:  http://www.recoveryfarmhouse.net/addiction-is-no-longer-baffling-to-me-and-many-others/ 

We Addicts have been conditioned to demoralize one another.

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“Pitiful and Incomprehensible Demoralization”

Article written by Jobaly Timerivess 6-6-06

Bill W. scribed the term to us “pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization”.

Oh Mr. Wilson!  Yea for art thou a colorful writer to stretch your mind around such an appropriate and relate-able term as “Pitiful and Incomprehensible Demoralization”.   Oh how you must have suffered to feel these heinous words rushing through your blood and soul!

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Sobriety Calculator App


Sobriety Calculator App for your smartphone.



It reminds us just how much we have accomplished and  it has all kinds of kool options like colors, I add my nick-name and clean-date,   It tells me the days clean, hours, even minutes and seconds.  Really kool app that talks to me!  Just click the link to google play store below it even works on your desktop..


This application will be useful for recovering addicts and alcoholics.
It calculates the amount of time that has elapsed since that date, in days, months and years, as well as the time in hours, minutes and seconds 🙂
For personalization, in the application it is possible to specify the name and addiction. The significance of gender is used in some regions to correctly display the declination.
It is possible to set an image as the background of the program, or to choose the background color and font of your choice.
Ability to set a password to log in to the application, which would protect this information from unauthorized access.
Three screens: the first person, the second – with a greeting, and screen the exact statistics.
Switching between views by clicking on the display or on the arrows.
Application can make a screenshot and allows them to share in social networks or any message. For example, the screenshot in the first person, with the ability to add your own text – slogan.
There is a widget for your desktop with running minutes and seconds.
There is the option of congratulations on jubilees in the statusbar.
Permission to access the memory card is needed to save screenshots to a folder CleanCounter.
If you want this application to your language – write to topotapps@gmail.com
The application essentially free. Will remain so.
Comments and feedback are welcome)
Wish you the day be clean and sober!