Recovery From Addiction. Daily Meditation Step Three


“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed-door, that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”  Alexander Graham Bell (allegedly)

“ALL things work together for the good to those who Love God. For those who are called according to His will.” Romans 8:28

When one door closes another one opens” Once we have done our Third Step our lives are in God’s care but we don’t always remember that. After living a life of addiction littered with betrayal and lies suddenly we are challenged to trust that God has our needs covered.

Trusting God is a process usually consisting of walking through uncomfortable and downright scary changes.  If we lose our job we end up with a better one, if we lose our spouse by divorce we adjust and realize we are better off in many ways. Even when disaster occurs things can end up better than they were, we could end up with a better house or a better car or a fresh appreciation for what we do have.  Suddenly we no longer take for granted our blessings.
When terrifying changes strike we draw closer to God, often times that’s the only reason we draw nigh unto our Creator.  Once we put ourselves in God’s care He, [She or It] has our back.  We can now sit back and let worry, manipulation, and grasping fearful behaviors go.  God has a way of pulling us close to Him so we don’t stray back into self-destruction.  It takes practice to build trust in God and unfortunately that trust is usually built by trial and tribulation. Just as we have to get to know people before we trust them; it’s hard to admit we also need to get to know our Higher Power and watch Him save our ass a time or two before an unshakable trust is built.

Link to all the daily meds. PDF

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