Daily Meditation Step Nine

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144 pages of Daily Meditations-read free/copy/post 

Love is an action as well as a feeling.
Any act of giving without strings attached is a Loving act. We don’t have to feel fuzzy and
yummy in our hearts to create an act of Love. The fuzzy and yummy does sometime come after
the giving act however.
When individuals come into recovery often times we are riddled with guilt concerning our
children. Usually for us woman our deepest regret and guilt is in the arena of our children.
Either we abandoned them or we lost them or we neglected them.
My first counselor and sponsor told me during the reading of my Fifth Step that I would not
have done the things I did had it not been for the addiction that had such power over me. When
I was strung out on pain killers they became my world. I had to be well first and foremost and if
I did not have my opiates I was not well. I put the needs of my daughter on the back burner. I
had to do allot of journaling and confessing to get that guilt off my chest.
I also did a thorough Ninth Step with my daughter. It was an emotional time she was only nine
years old yet she understood that she had been neglected the many times I left her behind with
her grandparents or brought her along on drug runs. Telling her how ashamed I was of myself
for those times was an opportunity that some addict parents never get.
The 12 Steps are designed by providence for those of us who want to change our lives and have a
conscience to not live an addiction based life.
I make daily amends to my daughter by being present and raising her with Love by making her
meals, buying her clothes and putting her needs ahead of my own. By the Grace of God and the
Program of Alcoholics Anonymous the poison shame that would have killed me has been
released. Without my Higher Power there is no such thing as a “program” that works.
I don’t have all the answers concerning God and the state of humanity as to why atrocities are
allowed by a great power and creator. However if I baulk at Step Three and Step Eleven where
my connection to God is I baulk at Love and that would be an atrocity in itself.

Writer in recovery Laura E. Sober since 2006 April 15, Good Friday & Easter weekend.

Sanity in an Insane World?

Use the God Box.  Write your heart’s Truth.  The truth will set you free.

Wanting to be sedated in an insane world is not only common it’s also understandable to those who have worked the 12 steps in Truth.  Keep in mind most people cannot even admit their own fear of any variety.  The fear shaming during childhood by societal norms is just too overwhelming to resist.  We are ALL PROGRAMMED.

Continue reading “Sanity in an Insane World?”

The Meaning of Life as a Human

An Angry Jane article

We are here for one reason.  To choose where we will spend and how we will spend our eternity.  Light or dark.  Good or evil.  God or godlessness.  That’s it.  but in the mean time I offer you emotional coping skills from the 12 steps to muddle your way through this mess we call the human condition.

Getting all the pieces of the puzzle in place will never fix the human condition. NEVER will everything be in place either, making life “good”.  Furthermore getting circumstances in the box is not what makes life good.  Circumstances trick us into being at ease or not being at ease.  This is natural and normal carnal solution to our disastrous situation called the human condition.

“If I just get every piece of the puzzle of my life in place THEN I will be happy, joyous, and free!”

BULLSHIT!  Mortal life is messy, bloody, it’s human, nasty, unspeakable, hurtful, evil, dangerous, perilous, and it’s just fucking WRONG!  It’s wrong in a thousand different ways.

NO WONDER YOUR ON FUCKING DRUGS FRIEND! Are you kidding me?  YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID.  If your not your blind or an idiot.

Continue reading “The Meaning of Life as a Human”

How Sex Enslaves the Man to The Flesh


How dare the Beast system require a “License of law” for my vows and choices of bride or partner.

The eyes are the window to the soul.  Turn your eyes from the woman/man lest they enslave you to their whiles and ways during the spiritually vulnerable state of sexual submission.

Relationships 101

Make clear your intentions prior to sex.  Let the partner know you take no vows of ownership or bondage to slavery.  Let them know you charge no fees or payback for sex.  If you feel you have the right to demand ownership once a woman gives of her body your deceived.  Make certain the partner knows you have no intention of bondage or control following sex.  And look away from the eyes during sex if you want to remain free of the spells of lust.

It’s better to pay for sex than to go into spiritual bondage for it.  At least the prostitute engages Truth and a fair trade does not come by the horse who carries the scales of decitful trade.  


The woman who makes demands upon a man who promised nothing should have made her price clear before she gave her body to the man.  Or visa versa men/women women/men.  Both often people show grotesque symptoms of dysfunctional oppression & controlling patterns of behavior after sex.  They learn it from the Image of the Beast who sells bondage as being “Love”.

The beast system at large, made marriage a legal mind controlling deception for one reason, no two reasons…bondage & money.  The dark lord puts you in bondage unless you pay to be released.  And it has the audacity to say sex is sin unless the beast contones it financially.

That makes the Beast their god, yet they know no better it is common law.  But now the Children of God are set free from the laws of sin and bondage.

“Him who the Son of God sets free is free indeed.”

Even now as I write, the laws of Abraham are fulfilled by Jesus of the Tribe of Judah.  Law is done.  Law now comes crashing down like burned ambers of ashes from a fire that made men dead.   And the laws put them in bondage to its karma and to its words of Legion by profession & belief of those words.

Is Sex Bad?

Is sex bad?  No but it is a form of a vow by actions of the flesh if not done in emotional and spiritual transparency & Truth.

What is Love?  True spiritual Love had little to do with sex, passion, lust, & desire.

Spiritual Love is to show an action toward a person that is kind and giving.  The action of encouragement, & charity, or helps, & Truth and above all Respect for others to treat them as you would want to be treated in the same circumstance. Help others and do not harm.  This is true Love’s Creed.

So then what is all this sex stuff about?  Besides giving seed to the woman so she can produce your heritage.


Heritage is the primary reason for sex.  Heritage is of much more value than any of us knew until it was stolen from most of the earth’s people by deception and fear.

Both the gift/Crown of Life from God and our Heritage of family are SACRED entities of spiritual magnitude.  Held in our bloodlines.  Esau gave away his birthright which was far more valuable than he knew.

Our Heritage Harnesses Much of Our Spiritual Strength

Our family stands tall for us in Heavenly places.  Our Mothers and Fathers throughout time and place stand in Heaven to make intercession for us.

Why?  So we achieve our spiritual goals. So we can gain the Holy Grail and more.

The Holy Grail is to know one’s Spiritual purpose in Life.  It is a long journey.  A life long path which shows the man what he needs to know about God and the way of the Gods.


When the woman casts her eyes on the man during sex he is highly vulnerable to her wiles and control.  If she is oppressive she can draw him into bondage by her eyes and flesh of enjoyment & vulnerability.

Warning-Do not have sex unless you are ready.  Do not bind with a contentious woman or oppressive men.  Repent of them all lest they carry your soul to Hell’s destiny as one.

Personally I do not want to be joined with anyone in flesh.  Furthermore this is exactly why the wise men refrained from such activities and are celibate.  It was always celibacy in the description of the 144,000.  Not “virgins” as is now in the desecrated bibles.

Mankind can scarcely take the prodigal walk of deep spiritual learning by dark experiences & unwavering folly without engaging & exploring sexual sin.  Scarcely is this done.  The wise man who knows nothing of sex, restraint, and sexual appetite still has much to learn of wisdom and self control.

Wise men learn from their mistakes and from their experiences.  No experience fewer lessons.

True Empathic Love and Respect are godly Traits which Deny Lust and Control.

The 144,000 warriors are on Earth and have been celibate for a long time.  This gives them a spiritual edge by their resistance of the fleshly appetites.  If you met one of them now they would tell you that to them sex is vile and they want no part of it.  Growing spiritually pulls the flesh out of the cesspool of desire.


Still sex is not a sin typically unless someone is hurt by it.  Nor is sex a stamp of ownership over anyone.  No one owes because of it. Unless an agreement is made for money.  It’s better to pay for sex than to be in bondage to it with a contentious woman or a controlling oppressive man.  Marriage is bondage in some ways and to some cases.

Men tend to believe that once a woman has sex with them, they now own that woman and her rights to freedom.  Slavery is what this is called.  Therefore be very careful with whom ye hand your flesh to.

It is better to not vow a vow than to vow and then break it.  Screw the vow and screw the legal system of the beast.  Who is the beast to tell you that if it says so your not sinning.  Or that you can only have sex if the entity of the beast says so.  Is the beast system your cornerstone of morality? And if so you are betrayed and know not The One True God of honor and Truth who blesses the coming together of two people who employ Love and Respect over lust and control.

Continue reading “How Sex Enslaves the Man to The Flesh”

The Truth Will Set You Free from Addiction!

Link to all the daily meditations.

“The Truth Shall Set You Free”.

Be an AA parrot in the beginning of recovery, sure it’s better than the addict program running in your head.

However! If the man doesn’t find his own voice in AA…..then he has not grown spiritually toward God.  What is the truth which sets you free?  To know one’s own heart and to be free to share it in Truth.   Share YOUR heart, it’s parroting others that got us into heart wrenching addiction.  Screw social programming!  Become who you really are in AA.

What is an “AA/NA recovery god” and how do we recognize them so we do not fall into their traps and tricks?

Link to all the daily meditations.

AA icons are not always easy to recognize.  They are the icons.  AA/NA rock stars.  Honey drips from their mouths when they share lies of false humility and egotistical false pride.

Continue reading “The Truth Will Set You Free from Addiction!”

Recovery From Addiction. Daily Meditation Step Three


“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed-door, that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”  Alexander Graham Bell (allegedly)

“ALL things work together for the good to those who Love God. For those who are called according to His will.” Romans 8:28

When one door closes another one opens” Once we have done our Third Step our lives are in God’s care but we don’t always remember that. After living a life of addiction littered with betrayal and lies suddenly we are challenged to trust that God has our needs covered.

Continue reading “Recovery From Addiction. Daily Meditation Step Three”

Heart Level Recovery Is Grounded in God

If Nothing Changes- Nothing Changes. Heart Level Recovery Is Always God Grounded.

“We can mature emotionally!”

Recovery From Addiction.    

My Heart is warmed when I remember my first year of recovery.  I was so relieved to be free of the drink and drugs that I beamed with anticipation and gratitude.  I was scared to death at the same time!  I had no idea what kind of life I was in for but I did have hopes, dreams and the vision.  I knew as long as I was doing God’s will by being clean and sober that He was at the helm and life would be good…and by God it was!

Continue reading “Heart Level Recovery Is Grounded in God”

Seek God Become the Clay in His Hands

Become the Mirror Drinker

“We must become as little children to inherit the Kingdom of God”____Jesus

LIttle children know their own heart. They are not yet corrupt by the beast system. They are of truth and express Truth. They know who they are and what they want. Adults lose themselves and become the mask they wear (social programming) due to beast programming. Adults don’t know how to rely rely rely on God as a child relies on their own Father whom they depend and trust/Love as best they know how. Adults engage in denial at depths of self deception. The only way to become as a child is to become the clay in God’s hands. Children don’t bullshit God and themselves. They do not ‘act’ prior to corruption, they are not fake. Most people today have no idea who or how they became who they are. We must be molded and shaped by God to realize our own hearts. And to accept our humanity, and imperfection. To end the battle of flesh Spirit. And then to be purified, made white. And to sit and wait I say wait for The Lord. Children tell the Truth. Adults manipulate and say what they think God wants to hear to manipulate Him toward whatever it is they think they need. Oftentimes the adult just wants God to Love them. But they cannot reach the vulnerable child in their heart to say it to God. I just want you to Love me. Same thing they don’t realize in their relationships anymore. Because they have lost the vulnerable part of themselves. Hiding it deep under the fear.

Treatment for Neurological Diseases Ensued by Electrically Fried Nerve Endings

When the Human Body Shorts Out Electrically It’s Likely Called Tremors or Parkinson’s Disease.  Try tonic first at bottom.

Use Prayers to finally see Truth.  Keep an open mind.  This article requires emotional processing.  Looking into the face of evil is not easy.  Admitting that we have a lethal enemy afoot is not something easily dealt with emotionally.  Denial is the go to solution for Truth we cannot handle.  Anger is the failsafe.  Blame is dysfunctional.

Disclaimer medical.  The authors ARE NOT DOCTORS OR OTHERWISE medically trained in any way.  We do not claim medical advice here.  We claim we had a dream that gave us an alleged non-medical, non-chemical treatment for Parkinson’s Disease.  Take it or leave it.

An uncommon sense article.

Remember this mantra.  “OUT OF THE PROBLEM INTO THE SOLUTION”.

“All things work together for the good to those who Love God.  God makes a way where there seems no way.”

Why They Don’t Teach Us About the Dangers of long term exposure to Electrical Currents in School.  Same reason the system lies about the Earth we live on.



Continue reading “Treatment for Neurological Diseases Ensued by Electrically Fried Nerve Endings”