“Play It Through” “Choose YOUR Battles” from https://recoveryfarmhouse.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/DAILY-MEDITATIONS-FROM-THE-HEART-OF-RECOVERY.pdf
Here are two very good recovery survival skills that they teach in rehabs and 12 Step
Programs alike. The first; “Play it through” means that before we pick up that drink, drug,
Recovery From Addiction. Daily Meditation Step Three
“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed-door, that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell (allegedly)
“ALL things work together for the good to those who Love God. For those who are called according to His will.” Romans 8:28
When one door closes another one opens” Once we have done our Third Step our lives are in God’s care but we don’t always remember that. After living a life of addiction littered with betrayal and lies suddenly we are challenged to trust that God has our needs covered.
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Heart Level Recovery Is Grounded in God
If Nothing Changes- Nothing Changes. Heart Level Recovery Is Always God Grounded.
Recovery From Addiction.
My Heart is warmed when I remember my first year of recovery. I was so relieved to be free of the drink and drugs that I beamed with anticipation and gratitude. I was scared to death at the same time! I had no idea what kind of life I was in for but I did have hopes, dreams and the vision. I knew as long as I was doing God’s will by being clean and sober that He was at the helm and life would be good…and by God it was!
Welcome Back to Recovery Farmhouse
Time Takes Time. Getting Sober Means New narratives of the mind. We can overcome addict behavior.
Start every day with God’s help. I pray God that you grant to me that which I need to survive safely the day before me. Thank you for your help.
Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions Short & Long Form
Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Steps & Twelve Traditions
Step One
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
Step Two
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Step Three
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
Continue reading “Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions Short & Long Form”
Daily Meditations from the Heart of Recovery
Give your worries & fear to your Higher Power who can handle it. Do not allow fear/shame programming to cause hidden and repressed fear. Fear should be acknowledged & faced head on so it doesn’t gain power over out actions. Fear is part of the human condition (for now anyway) & for good reasons. Fear run riot on the other hand, when acted upon in negative ways become the problem.
This is a file to be opened or downloaded. The book is free PDF format text. I wrote it at the height of my own recovery. I have been sober since 2006 and the file shows many of my best lessons in meditation reading form.
14 Years Sober Kicking Subutex
False Pride is One of my Dominate Temptations of that I confess.
If Staying Sober is what you need to learn today…do not read this article. I have many many other articles on how to stay sober. I have been sober since 2006. That’s 14 years or so. Ten of which I have taken some kind of doctor prescribed non narcotic drug. Be clear I don’t take opiates, that would cause me dysfunctional addiction and horrible consequences.
Cult Rules of Alcoholics Anonymous Especially In Facebook Recovery Groups
The Cult Rules of Alcoholics Anonymous Status Quo for those Reprogrammed but not Healed meaning Not recovered at heart level.
Recovered– Self worth is restored, self love is apparent. Our self worth comes from God therefore if someone puts down AA it doesn’t trigger us to rage.
Reprogrammed– No recovery or healing has taken place at heart level therefore we only have reprogramming of the mind into the AA mindset program. Therefore if someone contradicts one of the AA mantras or the disease concept we attack them because it is an attack on our person we think.
Become who you really were meant to be or become an AA parrot.
If you follow these cult rules your a parrot.
All members must adhere to these rules or be considered non compliant.
Amendment #1 AA traditional mantras always take priority over Truth.
Amendment #2 If they put down or even show ideals contrary to AA status quos they put us down so we ATTACK.
Amendment #3 “Live and Let Live” is our Lie.
1. Members must download the directives of how to become an AA robot instead of becoming a clean & sober version of who we really are. You must be a copycat to fit in.
2. Quote mantras instead of using your own words.
3. make others look stupid so whenever possible so you don’t feel so stupid
4. never ever do self examination stay in blame.
5. blame others for your feelings
6. NEVER look at wrongs suffered “victimhood” is illegal in AA no matter what abuse is in your past.
Continue reading “Cult Rules of Alcoholics Anonymous Especially In Facebook Recovery Groups”
Programmed to be Addicted & Betrayed by Technology
Betrayed by the Image of the Beast
In this day and age for those saved souls who know Jesus the most important prayer we can say may be “Father, let me NOT be deceived”.
I want to tell you a story of heartfelt truth. It’s not a made up story but I may use some allegories. Picture a little girl. Little Elior is her name. Little Elior has parents who love her but they know little about emotional nurturing. They don’t know how confidence and self worth are built because, well they have little of their own…they punish by guilting and shaming. They punish by violence. Even the father “spanks” little Elior at a very young innocent age. Naturally little Elior believes if her father hits her she deserves to be hit. And the messages she repeatedly got from school, & parents were that she, not her actions were bad and wrong.
Continue reading “Programmed to be Addicted & Betrayed by Technology”
Why Does Anyone Become an Addict?
https://www.recoveryfarmhouse.net/legal-child-abuse-and-parental-neglect-iced-over-with-ignorance/ “Love” becomes assault and battery once you turn 18. Strange transformation of violent abuse that we are taught is “Love”.
US 6506148 B2 Google that. Why do they say in AA “don’t ask why”. Oh its cause you obsess over things right? Why the phrase “morbid reflection”? If you do look at your past thoroughly you might find Satan, roaming to and fro seeking whom he may destroy. And YOU may have a sacred call on your life that makes you an arch enemy of evil. He knows his time is short. LOOK AT WHAT THE PRETTY PEOPLE DID AND PARROT THAT…..