Daily Meditation Step Nine

Click the picture for all the Daily Meditation readings link

144 pages of Daily Meditations-read free/copy/post 

Love is an action as well as a feeling.
Any act of giving without strings attached is a Loving act. We don’t have to feel fuzzy and
yummy in our hearts to create an act of Love. The fuzzy and yummy does sometime come after
the giving act however.
When individuals come into recovery often times we are riddled with guilt concerning our
children. Usually for us woman our deepest regret and guilt is in the arena of our children.
Either we abandoned them or we lost them or we neglected them.
My first counselor and sponsor told me during the reading of my Fifth Step that I would not
have done the things I did had it not been for the addiction that had such power over me. When
I was strung out on pain killers they became my world. I had to be well first and foremost and if
I did not have my opiates I was not well. I put the needs of my daughter on the back burner. I
had to do allot of journaling and confessing to get that guilt off my chest.
I also did a thorough Ninth Step with my daughter. It was an emotional time she was only nine
years old yet she understood that she had been neglected the many times I left her behind with
her grandparents or brought her along on drug runs. Telling her how ashamed I was of myself
for those times was an opportunity that some addict parents never get.
The 12 Steps are designed by providence for those of us who want to change our lives and have a
conscience to not live an addiction based life.
I make daily amends to my daughter by being present and raising her with Love by making her
meals, buying her clothes and putting her needs ahead of my own. By the Grace of God and the
Program of Alcoholics Anonymous the poison shame that would have killed me has been
released. Without my Higher Power there is no such thing as a “program” that works.
I don’t have all the answers concerning God and the state of humanity as to why atrocities are
allowed by a great power and creator. However if I baulk at Step Three and Step Eleven where
my connection to God is I baulk at Love and that would be an atrocity in itself.

Writer in recovery Laura E. Sober since 2006 April 15, Good Friday & Easter weekend.

Recovery From Addiction. Daily Meditation Step Three


“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed-door, that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”  Alexander Graham Bell (allegedly)

“ALL things work together for the good to those who Love God. For those who are called according to His will.” Romans 8:28

When one door closes another one opens” Once we have done our Third Step our lives are in God’s care but we don’t always remember that. After living a life of addiction littered with betrayal and lies suddenly we are challenged to trust that God has our needs covered.

Continue reading “Recovery From Addiction. Daily Meditation Step Three”

Heart Level Recovery Is Grounded in God

If Nothing Changes- Nothing Changes. Heart Level Recovery Is Always God Grounded.

“We can mature emotionally!”

Recovery From Addiction.    

My Heart is warmed when I remember my first year of recovery.  I was so relieved to be free of the drink and drugs that I beamed with anticipation and gratitude.  I was scared to death at the same time!  I had no idea what kind of life I was in for but I did have hopes, dreams and the vision.  I knew as long as I was doing God’s will by being clean and sober that He was at the helm and life would be good…and by God it was!

Continue reading “Heart Level Recovery Is Grounded in God”

Addiction-The War for Your Soul

Cunning Baffling & Powerful?

If you are an addict who has felt the obsession compulsion and what it feels like to do what you do not want to do then you know the spiritual aspect of addiction.  That my friend is the part that is cunning and baffling to most.

Why is it some people get paranoid on really good weed and other’s do not?  There is likely more than one reason but I have some spiritual answers to the question.

Continue reading “Addiction-The War for Your Soul”

We’re All Here for the Very Same Reason & Subutex Detox

Subutex Dependency

See Associated 4th step fear list.  The truth will set me free.

No one can find the rewind button.  Most addicts were emotionally abused as children YET they have no idea what emotional abuse even looks like.  Therapy works and so do the 12 steps if done deep, deep.    Breath friends, just breath. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

Continue reading “We’re All Here for the Very Same Reason & Subutex Detox”

What The Spirit Says to the Churches “Get your house in order now”.

Why?  Why “Get your House in Order”?

Update-Wow I called this one in 2020.  Now in 2022 nearly December I have used up much of my prepper food and stuff.  “Waste not the oil and the wine.”  Perhaps I was not the only one whose small business has been crashed by 50% or more $$.

2020 Article

Why is it time to get our houses in order?  And what does that mean anyway.

It means emotionally clear up all 4th step shame, resentments, and fears by writing, sharing, and confessing to God.

Continue reading “What The Spirit Says to the Churches “Get your house in order now”.”

14 Years Sober Kicking Subutex

False Pride is One of my Dominate Temptations of that I confess.

If Staying Sober is what you need to learn today…do not read this article.   I have many many other articles on how to stay sober. I have been sober since 2006.  That’s 14 years or so.  Ten of which I have taken some kind of doctor prescribed non narcotic drug.  Be clear I don’t take opiates, that would cause me dysfunctional addiction and horrible consequences.

Continue reading “14 Years Sober Kicking Subutex”

To All Addicts Recovered, Recovering, and Still Doing Research

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The program works.  Are people going to AA meeting amist the CV?  I wouldn’t know as I have not been in a few months.  I do live the steps 12 in my emotional life.   Now that I have become who I really am less the shame and the “I am bad and wrong” program the beast downloaded to my heart I find little need for meetings these days.  Please comment answers below.

I want to let you all know why I have not been writing articles about recovery.  I have purchases several new domain names and have shifted my focus onto end times articles about the great tribulation, prophecy, end times topics, and spiritual matters.  Jesus is my Higher Power…..by the way the word “Higher Powers” has made an appearance in the KJVB.  The book is changing supernaturally on the shelves.  That’s right!  This is one of the great signs and wonders that has shifted my focus onto end times prophecy.

You can find my websites here


https://abominationdesolation.com  (supernatural bible changes website)

https://paradiseforthehellbound.com (to read my book free)

https://danaashlie.com (a site I picked up and made as a gift to Dana Ashlie but she was not gracious or grateful and attacked me trying to get it taken down instead of utilizing it.  I gave her full access to use the site. READ MORE HERE working on a resentment toward Dana Ashlie.