The Truth Will Set You Free from Addiction!

Link to all the daily meditations.

“The Truth Shall Set You Free”.

What is an “AA/NA recovery god” and how do we recognize them so we do not fall into their traps and tricks?

Link to all the daily meditations.

AA icons are not always easy to recognize.  They are the icons.  AA/NA rock stars.  Honey drips from their mouths when they share lies of false humility and egotistical false pride.

Continue reading “The Truth Will Set You Free from Addiction!”

Recovery From Addiction. Daily Meditation Step Three


“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed-door, that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”  Alexander Graham Bell (allegedly)

“ALL things work together for the good to those who Love God. For those who are called according to His will.” Romans 8:28

When one door closes another one opens” Once we have done our Third Step our lives are in God’s care but we don’t always remember that. After living a life of addiction littered with betrayal and lies suddenly we are challenged to trust that God has our needs covered.

Continue reading “Recovery From Addiction. Daily Meditation Step Three”

List of 12 Step Programs

Various 12 Step Programs with Links

Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Alcoholics Anonymous –
Narcotics Anonymous –

Eating Addictions

Food Addicts Anonymous –
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous –
Overeaters Anonymous –
Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous –
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous –
Eating Disorders Anonymous –
Overeaters Anonymous –

For the Family

Al-Anon/Alateen –
Adult Children of Alcoholics –
Nar-Anon –
Families Anonymous –
Parents Anonymous –
Co-Anon/ Cocaine Anonymous –
Co-Dependents Anonymous –

Other Anonymous Fellowships

Cocaine Anonymous –
Gamblers Anonymous –
Dual Recovery Anonymous –
Emotional Health Anonymous – Emotional Health Anonymous
Debtors Anonymous –
Nicotine Anonymous –
All Addictions Anonymous –
Chemically Dependent Anonymous –
Crystal Meth Anonymous –
Dual Diagnosis Anonymous –
Heroin Anonymous –
Marijuana Anonymous –
Methadone Anonymous –
Pills Anonymous –
Prescription Anonymous –
Recoveries Anonymous –
Bettors Anonymous –
Bloggers Anonymous –
Clutterers Anonymous –
Emotions Anonymous –
Gamblers Anonymous –
Hepatitis C Anonymous –
HIV AIDS Anonymous –
Kleptomaniacs and Shoplifters Anonymous –
Procrastinators Anonymous –
Recovering Couples Anonymous –
Schizophrenics Anonymous –
Self Mutilators Anonymous –
Spenders Anonymous –
Survivors of Incest Anonymous –
Trauma Anonymous –
Workaholics Anonymous –

Sex and Love Addictions

Love Addicts Anonymous –
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous –
Sex Addicts Anonymous –
Sexaholics Anonymous –
Sexual Compulsive Anonymous –
Sexual Recovery Anonymous –

Born Again Stripper

What Does A Stripper Do After She Meets God?


Hell Bent On Self Annihilation

Sidenote- for more details read my free Book-“Paradise For The HellBound”

I was a stripper in Texas and in Florida. What a life. First club I worked at was a place called “Baby Dolls”. I started as a coctail waitress. Little did I know I was being primed for dancing. Oh, it was all my choice. But when a waitress sees the glory and attention that dancers receive with the money…well…that’s all it took for me to decide.

Continue reading “Born Again Stripper”