WARNING! THIS ARTICLE IS A PARADIGM BUSTER. I PRESENT HERE THE CONCEPTS by which recovery & addiction meet full blown truth.
There are Two types of recovery, “Recovery in Truth” or Recovery in partial to full blindness and deception via the “Beast system brand recovery” and its status quos.
Beast system recovery requires ongoing meetings for ever…always an arms length from a drink, never recovered.
Healing recovery requires you become who you really are, no holds barred. How long does this complete healing take? Seven years of reprogramming and virus expulsion by expression of your true inner child. It takes seven years to become who you really are it doesn’t happen overnight.
Don’t have time for long articles? SCROLL TO BOTTOM FOR SHORT VERSION SYNOPSIS.
I went to an AA meeting yesterday and clearly see that even though the people there are my brothers and sisters there are many parts of me that are very different than they. I am sober 14 years this month and do not need meetings to stay sober. In spite of popular belief even the Big Book did not say we are dependant on meetings the rest of our lives lest we fall back into addiction. YET most will say if they don’t always continue in meetings they will relapse forthwith.
Continue reading “Alcoholics Anonymous- The Broken Program Made by Broken People”