If you need to know how a person can stay sober click this link. Please know it’s common for addicts to feel they have failed in the sobriety fight. DON’T give up!
This is a recovery from addictions website. But I watched the video below and felt it was so important I posted it “off topic”. However this site is full of recovery tools and AA controversial topics if you are interested.
Click the picture of the masked anonymous guy to hear vital video truths about bankers and the Federal Reserve–a private and heartless ruler.
Who are these people, the one percent who don’t give a damn about the planet Earth. If you have allot of money DO NOT keep it in the bank. If the banks face bankruptcy they can keep your money to prevent it. But you know what I think…they will be brought low and soon. There are beings more intelligent and powerful than the elite 1%ers. Soon these powerful beings who do care about the survival of the Earth and it’s people will bring low the diabolical destroyers of the planet. The toxic waste makers, the food poisoners, the money lenders, the tricksters and blood thirsty cheaters who bathe in blood for a youthful look. They will be brought low and soon. This is my prophecy to the people.