“And a third of the waters were blood” (Revelation 16)

"And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea."



Let me spell out RED TIDE AND DEAD ZONES.  Pollutants knock the balance of the ocean’s ecosystem way off kilter.  Then hoards of UN-NATURAL algae grow on top of the ocean.  They quickly bloom AND THEN DIE.  With their death comes an array of negative effects which are all put to motion originally by oil drilling and man made fertilizers.  (organic fertilizers not near as bad http://iraj.in/up_proc/pdf/229-146417473466-71.pdf.)

I WAS JUST IN BRADENTON AND ANNA MARIA ISLAND (West coast of Florida)  The beach is uninhabitable.

Once again nitrogen oxides and other chemicals are destroying the oceans delicate balance.  Chemicals have destroyed the west coast beaches of Florida all the way from Tampa to Naples (see 2016 red tide map current status).The air or I should say “lack of air” on the beach is unbreathable…LITTLE OXYGEN in many spots.   You just can’t breath air that doesn’t contain oxygen.   Standing near the beach is like breathing pepper spray if you have ever experience that.  And believe you me it will get you sick if you stay down there for very long.

Red Tide (which has nothing to do with the tide or the bloom of the Karenia brevis

but way-more to do with what we or “they” have done to create the overgrowth of these algae plants in our east coast of the U.S. water systems.  I am giving a synopsis here of what I experienced in Anna Maria, Fl and what I have researched, various scientific findings on the topic of “Red Tide.”  Which as the “National Geographic” put it in one article: “red tide has nothing to do with tides or algae blooms”.        http://media.education.nationalgeographic.com/assets//reference/assets/dead-zone-3.pdf .  But rather in so many words the red tide effects are from the death of an ego-system.  And from the death of an off-kilter sea with an overgrowth of algae.  In other words had chemicals not destroyed precious balance there would be no “overgrowth” of algae Karenia Brevis.


The Chesapeake Bay, on the East Coast of the United States, has one of the first dead zones ever identified, in the 1970s. The Chesapeake’s high levels of nitrogen are caused by two factors: urbanization and agriculture. The western part of the
bay is full of factories and urban centers that emit nitrogen into the air.  Atmospheric nitrogen accounts for about a third of the nitrogen that enters the bay. The eastern part of the bay is a center of
poultry farming, which produces large amounts of manure.
Since 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has led a number of programs that aim to improve the bay’s water quality and
curb pollution runoff. The Chesapeake
still has a dead zone, whose size varies with the season and weather.
Eutrophication and the Environment  The eutrophication process has severe environmental impacts. Dead zones result
from these impacts, which includealgal blooms and
hypoxia.  Algal Blooms  Phosphorous, nitrogen, and other nutrients increase the productivity or fertility of marine ecosystems. Organisms such as phytoplankton, algae, and seaweeds will
grow quickly and excessively on the water’s surface. This rapid development of algae and phytoplankton is called an algal bloom. Algal blooms can create dead zones beneath them.

The organism that actually causes the red tides is a bacteria, called cyanobacteria according to various sources listed on this page.

I grew up in Tampa and on the west coast beaches of Florida.  Red Tide used to very short lived.  But now Cyanobacteria is causing DEAD ZONES in our seas such as Chesapeake bay and the Gulf of Mexico south of Tampa Bay.  Scientists have identified 415 dead zones worldwide. The poison red tide waters have been from Clearwater to Naples all summer into winter much worse than ever before that I have experienced. It is not a natural occurrence by any stretch of the imagination.  See dead zone in Gulf of Mexico here.

In Bradenton

At my hotel, stores, and the post office in Bradenton the week before Christmas 2016 everywhere older people are coughing continuously around me all the way from the beach and thirty miles north to Bradenton and I75. I suffered from headaches the whole time I was there. The hospitals and doctors offices are experiencing more cases of pneumonia in the elderly.  This is no light matter.

THE TOXIC RESULT OF OUR IRRESPONSIBLE ACTIONS TOWARD MOTHER NATURE IS MUCH WORSE THAN IN PRIOR YEARS I WAS THERE. Cats are getting asthma. I interviewed several retirees who live there. Many folks I talked to had no idea why they had been suffering on-going headaches.  Imagine what it’s doing to small children. St. Pete just dumps their toxins in the ocean “fined again” . WHEN WILL IT STOP?

Why must they destroy our ocean? Why? Drill on land. We must say no to oceanic drilling of ANY KIND. Ignore the Bruce Willis is not going to save the world by his DRILLING SKILLS. THAT MOVIE HAD AN AGENDA…..right we love the rough-necker Bruce Willis who saves us from the big bad asteroid. Drilling bi-products ARE POISON. Ask yourselves “how have I been affected by media and movies”? Do I give a shit about my grandchildren and so on? Florida tourist industry does NOT WANT THIS PUBLICISED.



There are two main sources of water pollution from offshore drilling: drilling fluid and oil spills and leaks.

What is a “dead zone”http://www.thomasgphotography.net/Creating-our-own-Genocide

In an ocean or other body of water? So-called dead zones are areas of large bodies of water—typically in the ocean but also occasionally in lakes and even rivers—that do not have enough oxygen to support marine life.

The cause of such “hypoxic” (lacking oxygen) conditions is usually eutrophication, an increase in chemical nutrients in the water, leading to excessive blooms of algae that deplete underwater oxygen levels.

Worst year yet for the Gulf of Mexico

Nitrogen and phosphorous from agricultural runoff are the primary culprits, but sewage, vehicular and industrial emissions and even natural factors also play a role in the development of dead zones. ​

Dead zones occur around the world, but primarily near areas where heavy agricultural and industrial activity spill nutrients into the water and compromise its quality accordingly. Some dead zones do occur naturally, but the prevalence of them since the 1970s—when dead zones were detected in Chesapeake Bay off Maryland as well as in Scandinavia’s Kattegat Strait, the mouth of the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the northern Adriatic—hints at mankind’s impact.

A 2008 study found more than 400 dead zones worldwide, including in South America, China, Japan, southeast Australia and elsewhere. Perhaps the most infamous U.S. dead zone is an 8,500 square mile swath (about the size of New Jersey) of the Gulf of Mexico, not far from where the nutrient-laden Mississippi River, which drains farms up and down the Midwest, lets out.

Besides decimating the region’s once teeming shrimp industry, low oxygen levels in the water there have led to reproductive problems for fish, leading to lack of spawning and low egg counts.

Other notable U.S. dead zones today occur off the coasts of Oregon and Virginia. ​ Eutrophic events have increased because of the rapid rise in intensive agricultural practices, industrial activities, and population growth.

These three processes emit large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous. These nutrients enter our air, soil, and water. Human activities have emitted nearly twice as much nitrogen and three times as much phosphorus as natural emissions.

Atmospheric sources of nitrogen also contribute to eutrophication in some areas of the world.

Fossil fuels and fertilizers release nitrogen into the atmosphere. This atmospheric nitrogen is then redeposited on land and water through the water cycle—rain and snow.  ​

The eutrophication process has severe environmental impacts. Dead zones result from these impacts, which include algal blooms and hypoxia. Algal Blooms Phosphorous, nitrogen, and other nutrients increase the productivity or fertility of marine ecosystems.

Organisms such as phytoplankton, algae, and seaweeds will grow quickly and excessively on the water’s surface. This rapid development of algae and phytoplankton is called an algal bloom. Algal blooms can create dead zones beneath them. Algal blooms prevent light from penetrating the water’s surface. They also prevent oxygen from being absorbed by organisms beneath them. Sunlight is necessary for plants and organisms like phytoplankton and algae, which manufacture their own nutrients from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

Oxygen is necessary for almost all aquaticlife, from sea grasses to fish. By depriving organisms of sunlight and oxygen, algal blooms negatively impact a variety of species that live below the water’s surface.

The number and diversity of benthic, or bottom-dwelling, species are especially reduced. Because algae dominates the aquatic ecosystem, algal blooms are sometimes referred to as “red tides” or “brown tides,” depending on the color of the algae.

Red tides actually have nothing to do with tides. They also have nothing to do with algae. The organism that causes red tides is a bacteria, called cyanobacteria.

Algal blooms also cause larger-scale problems, such as human illness. Shellfish, such as oysters, are filter feeders. As they filter water, they absorb microbes associated with algal blooms.

Many of these microbes are toxic to people. People may become sick or even die from shellfish poisoning.

Algal blooms can also lead to the death of marine mammals and shore birds that rely on the marine ecosystem for food. Wading birds, such as herons, and mammals, such as sea lions, depend on fish for survival.

With fewer fish beneath algal blooms, these animals lose an important food source.  Algal blooms can also impact aquaculture, or the farming of marine life.

One red tide event wiped out 90 percent of the entire stock of Hong Kong’s fish farms in 1998, resulting in an estimated economic loss of $40 million.

Algal blooms usually die soon after they appear. The ecosystem simply cannot support the huge number of cyanobacteria. The organisms compete with one another for the remaining oxygen and nutrients. Hypoxia Hypoxia occurs when algae and other organisms die from lack of oxygen and available nutrients.

Hypoxia events often follow algal blooms. The cyanobacteria, algae, and phytoplankton sink to the seafloor, and are decomposed by bacteria.

Even though oxygen can now flow freely through the aquatic ecosystem, the decomposition process uses up almost all of it. This lack of oxygen creates dead zones in which most aquatic species cannot survive.

The Gulf of Mexico has a seasonal hypoxic zone that forms every year in late summer. Its size varies from fewer than 5,000 square kilometers (1,931 square miles) to approximately 22,000 square kilometers (8,494 square miles, or the size of Massachusetts).

Concern over its increasing size led to the formation of the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force in 1997. Its mission is to reduce the five-year running average of the Gulf of Mexico dead zone to less than 5,000 square kilometers.

The Baltic Sea is home to seven of the world’s 10 largest marine dead zones. Increased runoff from agricultural fertilizers and sewage has sped up the eutrophication process.

Overfishing of Baltic cod has intensified the problem. Cod eat sprats, a small, herring-like species that eat microscopic zooplankton, which in turn eat algae. Fewer cod and more sprats mean more algae and less oxygen.

The spreading dead zones are starting to reach the cod’s deep-water breeding grounds, further endangering the species.

The Baltic Sea has become the first “macro-region” targeted by the European Union to combat pollution, dead zones, overfishing, and regional disputes.

The EU is coordinating the Baltic Sea Strategy with eight EU member countries that border the Baltic Sea: Denmark, Estonia,  ​ ​

Activities that cause air pollution

(VOCs, methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen oxides) from offshore installations include gas venting on shuttle tanks when oil is loaded onto these tanks for transport, as well as gas flaring, gas turbine exhausts, diesel or fuel exhausts, well testing and diffuse emissions from the platform and drilling place. About two-thirds of the air pollutants are VOCs and they mainly derive from the offshore storing and loading of crude oil. About 70 per cent of the VOCs can be recovered (see above)http://oils.gpa.unep.org/facts/airpoll.htm.


Crude oil is transported to an oil terminal — a land-based facility which receives and stores crude oil and other products from offshore oil production — by ship or pipeline. In port, at the terminal, it is technically possible to recover hydrocarbon vapours.


Human activities causing atmospheric deposition of hydrocarbons on the sea include military and commercial jets that occasionally jettison excess fuel over the ocean.

Each year, U.S. drilling operations spill an average of 880,000 gallons of oil into the ocean. More drilling would mean more oil spills, and the new leases would be near shores that are critical to the livelihoods of millions who work in the tourism industry. 

In 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita destroyed 113 oil platforms, damaged 457 pipelines, and spilled 9 million gallons of petroleum products in the Gulf of Mexico. Drilling will create more global warming pollution.  More offshore drilling won’t decrease our dependence on foreign oil or lower prices at the pump, but using that oil will generate more than 340 million tons of additional carbon dioxide, the main type of global warming pollution.

Over its lifetime, a single oil rig can:

  • Dump more than 90,000 metric tons of drilling fluid and metal cuttings into the ocean;
  • Drill between 50-100 wells, each dumping 25,000 pounds of toxic metals, such as lead, chromium and mercury, and potent carcinogens like toluene, benzene, and xylene into the ocean, and
  • Pollute the air as much as 7,000 cars driving 50 miles a day.

The Chesapeake Bay experiences dead zones every year. Runoff from industrial and agricultural activities contributes to the dead zones in Chesapeake Bay, an estuary shared by Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. The hypoxic, or oxygen-deprived, zone above exists near an area where runoff from industrial and agricultural activities flows into the bay. Runoff often carries nutrients that prevent oxygen from reaching below the surface of the water.


The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is indicated in red, above. The so-called Gulf Dead Zone is a region of the ocean where there is so little oxygen that almost no life exists beneath the surface waters. In 2010, the Gulf Dead Zone was about 20,140 square kilometers (7,776 square miles).

Image courtesy NOAA

Because algae dominates the aquatic ecosystem, algal blooms are sometimes referred to as “red tides” or “brown tides,” depending on the color of the algae. Red tides actually have nothing to do with tides. They also have nothing to do with algae. The organism that causes red tides is a bacteria, called cyanobacteria http://nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/dead-zone/.  It’s the death of the algae  bloom not the bloom in mass proportions that causes the actual toxic state which poisons the air and sea  .

When masses of algae die and decompose, the decaying process can deplete oxygen in the water, causing the water to become so low in oxygen that animals either leave the area or die.

Since 1967, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation has led a number of programs that aim to improve the bay’s water quality and
curb pollution runoff. The Chesapeake still has a dead zone, whose size varies with the season and weather.  Eutrophication and the Environment  The eutrophication process has severe environmental impacts. Dead zones result from these impacts, which
include algal blooms and hypoxia.  Algal Blooms
Phosphorous, nitrogen, and other nutrients increase the productivity or fertility of marine ecosystems. Organisms
such as phytoplankton, algae, and seaweeds
will grow quickly and excessively on the water’s surface. This rapid
development of algae and phytoplankton is called an algal bloom. Algal blooms can create dead zones beneath
Algal blooms prevent light from penetrating the water’s surface. They also prevent oxygen from being absorbed by
organisms beneath them. Sunlight is necessary for plants and organisms like phytoplankton and algae, which
manufacture their own nutrients from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is necessary for almost all
aquatic life, from sea grasses to fish.  By depriving organisms of sunlight and oxygen, algal blooms negatively impact a variety of species that live below the water’s surface. The number and diversity of benthic, or bottom-dwelling, species are especially reduced.  Because algae dominates the aquatic ecosystem, algal blooms are sometimes referred to as “red tides” or “brown
tides,” depending on the color of the algae. Red tides actually have nothing to do with tides. They also have nothing to do with algae. The organism that causes red tides is a bacteria, called cyanobacteria.
Algal blooms also cause larger-scale problems, such as human illness.  Shellfish, such as oysters, are
filter feeders.  As they filter water, they absorb
microbes associated with algal blooms. Many of these microbes are
toxic to people. People may become sick or even die from shellfish poisoning.  Algal blooms can also lead to the death of
marine mammals and shorebirds that rely on the marine ecosystem for food.  Wading birds, such as herons, and mammals, such as sea lions, depend on fish for survival. With fewer fish
beneath algal blooms, these animals lose an important food source.
Algal blooms can also impact aquaculture, or the farming of marine life. One red tide event wiped out 90 percent of the entire stock of Hong Kong’s fish farms in 1998, resulting in an estimated economic loss of $40 million.
Algal blooms usually die soon after they appear. The ecosystem simply cannot support the huge number of
cyanobacteria. The organisms compete with one another for the remaining oxygen and nutrients.

Hypoxia (the true cause of Red Tide)

Hypoxia occurs when algae and other organisms die from lack of oxygen and available nutrients. Hypoxia events
often follow algal blooms. The cyanobacteria, algae, and phytoplankton sink to the seafloor, and are
decomposed by bacteria. Even though oxygen can now flow freely through the aquatic ecosystem, the decomposition process
uses up almost all of it. This lack of oxygen creates dead zones in which most aquatic species cannot survive.
The Gulf of Mexico has a seasonal hypoxic zone that forms every year in late summer. Its size varies from fewer
than 5,000 square kilometers (1,931 square miles) to approximately 22,000 square kilometers (8,494 square
miles, or the size of Massachusetts). Concern over its increasing size led to the formation of the Mississippi

Categorizing Eutrophic Systems

Scientists have identified 415 dead zones worldwide. Hypoxic areas have increased dramatically during the past 50
years, from about 10 documented cases in 1960 to at least 169 in 2007. The majority of the world’s dead zones
are located along the eastern coast of the United States, and the coastlines of the Baltic States, Japan, and the
Korean Peninsula.
As a result of the dramatic increase in dead zones, scientists have categorized coastal systems experiencing any
symptoms of eutrophication.  An area of concern
is a coastal system that exhibits effects of eutrophication, such as elevated nutrient levels, harmful algal blooms, and negative changes in the benthic community.   Areas of concern are at the most risk of
developing hypoxia. Major concentrations of areas of concern are located along the western coast of Central and
South America, and the coastlines of Great Britain and Australia. There are 233 areas of concern around the
A system in recovery is one that once exhibited low oxygen levels and hypoxia, but is now improving.  For example,
the Black Sea once experienced annual hypoxic events, but is now in a state of recovery. Others, like Boston Harbor in the United States and the Mersey Estuary in the United Kingdom, also have improved water quality.  These are the results of better industrial and wastewater controls. There are only 13 coastal systems in recovery around the world http://media.education.nationalgeographic.com/assets//reference/assets/dead-zone-3.pdf.
I have but one question, are we living in a time of MASS EXTINCTION?
This is from the article

This is not for the whole year and I know I missed some. Each year there has been more and more mass deaths. From reading all above it is impossible to not see humanities hand in it all. Feel free to look all the events up. You will also notice that these events are lightly covered in the news However for most part they are shelved and not put on mainstream media.

10th September 2016 – 47 TONS of dead fish found in aquatic farms in Central Vietnam.

10th September 2016 – 50,000 fish dead due to ‘mystery disease’ in Bardiya, Nepal.

9th September 2016 – Thousands of frogs dying due to deadly fungus across California, America.

8th September 2016 – Dozens of birds fall from sky and die in Boston, America.

8th September 2016 – 23,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Guizhou province, China.

7th September 2016 – 15 TONS of dead fish found washed up in Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia.

7th September 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish and crabs found in a harbor in Baltimore, America.

7th September 2016 – TONS of fish die in a river in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam.

7th September 2016 – 8 Dolphins dead after stranding in Florida Bay, Florida, America. dead dolphins florida

6th September 2016 – Fish kill strikes a river in North Dakota, America.

6th September 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found washed up along a river in Fuengirola, Spain.

5th September 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in a temple pond in Tamil Nadu, India.

5th September 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach near Vokolida, Cyprus.

2nd September 2016 – Masses of fish are dying in the Kizilirmak River in Turkey.

2nd September 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in a harbor in Mississippi, America.

1st September 2016 – Massive die off of fish in a farm in Western Australia.

31st August 2016 – Masses of dead anchovy wash up on the coast of Chanaral, Chile.

31st August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up ‘causing shock’ on a lake in Alberta, Canada.

30th August 2016 – 100 TONS of fish have died suddenly in Lake Maninjau, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

30th August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found is ‘unprecedented’ in a lake in Sverdlovsk, Russia.

30th August 2016 – Massive die off of fish in fish farms in Boyolali, Indonesia.

29th August 2016 – Large die off of fish, ‘a mystery’ in a lake in Cordoba, Argentina.

29th August 2016 – 322 Reindeer found dead, ‘probably killed by lightning’ in Hardangervidda, dead reindeer in NorwayNorway.

29th August 2016 – Tens of thousands of fish die in a river in Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Vietnam.

29th August 2016 – Mass die off of fish ‘due to pollution’ in the River Seyhan, Turkey.

28th August 2016 – 11,500 chickens killed due to avian flu in Lome, Togo.

28th August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, America.

28th August 2016 – Fish kill found along the shores of Kuwait Bay, Kuwait.

27th August 2016 – 20,000 dead fish wash up in Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey, America.

27th August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish turn up in the waters of Matamoros, Mexico.

27th August 2016 – Hundreds of thousands of dead mussels wash up on a beach in Jamesport, New York, America.

27th August 2016 – 11,000 fish found dead in Huntington, New York, America.

27th August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in Portland Harbor, Oregon, America.

26th August 2016 – Large amount of dead fish found floating on a river in Sena Madureira, Brazil.

25th August 2016 – Hundreds of TONS of fish ‘suddenly die’ in a reservoir in Sragen, Indonesia.

25th August 2016 – 1 Million+ dead fish wash up in New Jersey, America.

24th August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found floating in the waters of Asten, Netherlands.

24th August 2016 – Large amount of dead fish, lobsters and crabs found in the waters of Fortaleza, Brazil.

23rd August 2016 – 18,000+ cattle die due to ‘cold temperatures’ in Arequipa, Peru.

22nd August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in a river in North Carolina, America.

22nd August 2016 – 150,000 lbs of fish turn up dead in a lake in Qingdao, China.

20th August 2016 – Thousands of fish die due to ‘unprecedented parasite’ in Yellowstone river, America.

19th August 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish turn up in a river in the Bronx, New York, America.

19th August 2016 – Thousands of fish die in the waters of Rio Hondo, Texas, America.

18th August 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a pond at National Mall, Washington, America.

17th August 2016 – 1,100 chickens die in a farm in Odisha, India.

16th August 2016 – 55 dead turtles found in La Paz, Mexico.

16th August 2016 – Massive die off of fish in fish farms in Pattani Province, Thailand.

16th August 2016 – Large die off of fish in a lake in Volyn, Ukraine

15th August 2016 – 28 dolphins and 4 sea lions found dead on beaches in Lambayeque, Peru. Dead dolphins-sealions in peru

15th August 2016 – Tens of thousands of fish have died in two rivers in Sioux County, Iowa, America.

15th August 2016 – Thousands of fish and other marine animals wash up dead on the coast of Morowali, Indonesia.

14th August 2016 – 12.5 TONS of fish die in a lake in Xiamen, China.

13th August 2016 – TONS of fish die in fish farms in Thang Binh District, Vietnam.

12th August 2016 – TONS of dead fish wash up on a beach in Sanya Bay, Hainan, China.

12th August 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in Yellowstone River, Montana, America.

12th August 2016 – Hundreds of dead starfish and other fish washing up dead in Coogee, Australia.

8th August 2016 – 10,000 dead fish wash up along the coast of the Sea of Azov, Ukraine.

8th August 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish washing up in Ganjam, India.

7th August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up, ‘a mystery’ in the Strait of Messina, Italy.

6th August 2016 – MASSIVE fish kill in the waters of Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia.

5th August 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up in a lake in Georgia, America.

4th August 2016 – Thousands of fish die in the waters of Kleinmachnow, Germany. Fish kill Germany

4th August 2016 – 1,000 dead starfish wash up on beaches near Fremantle, Australia.

4th August 2016 – Large die off of fish in a lake in Jinjiang, China.

4th August 2016 – Hundreds of birds found dead, ‘due to disease’ in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, Netherlands.

3rd August 2016 – 20 TONS of fish have died in fish farms in Bandung, Indonesia.

3rd August 2016 – Thousands of fish have died due to pollution in the river Faughan, Northern Ireland.

3rd August 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up along a river in Prince Edward Island, Canada.

3rd August 2016 – 29,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Cote d’Ivoire.

3rd August 2016 – Thousands of fish in fish farms dead in Pinrang, Indonesia.

2nd August 2016 – TONS of dead fish found washed up in a lake in Da Nang, Vietnam.

2nd August 2016 – Massive die off of marine life is ‘unprecedented’ off the Gulf coast of Texas, America.

2nd August 2016 – Mass die off of fish in the waters of Lakeport, California, America.

31st July 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake, ‘never seen this before’ in Oklahoma, America.

30th July 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in South Dakota, America.

29th July 2016 – Massive die off of fish in a lake in Indiana, America.

28th July 2016 – 300 sea birds have washed up dead since May in Washington State, America.

28th July 2016 – 3,000 chicks to be killed due to avian flu in Funen, Denmark.

28th July 2016 – Massive die off of fish in a lagoon in Marica, Brazil.

28th July 2016 – 1,500 deer have died due to anthrax outbreak in Yamal Peninsula, Russia.

27th July 2016 – 91 dead dolphins found washed up this summer on beaches in Bulgaria.

27th July 2016 – Thousands of fish die in a pond in Amritsar, India.

27th July 2016 – TONS of fish die due to heat in Dazhou, China.

26th July 2016 – Hundreds of thousands of chickens dying from avian flu across Iraq.

26th July 2016 – Thousands of fish wash up dead, ‘a mystery’ in a river in Gloucestershire, England.

26th July 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up along the Guadalupe River in Colombia.

26th July 2016 – 11 dead turtles found washed up on beaches in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

25th July 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on the coast of Mersin, Turkey.

23rd July 2016 – 17 dead dolphins found on a beach in Mira, Portugal.

22nd July 2016 – Mass die off of fish in the waters of Kien Giang Province, Vietnam.

20th July 2016 – 70 dead whales found washed up on a beach in southern Chile. 70 dead whales in Chile

20th July 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Mosquito Creek, Trinidad and Tobago.

19th July 2016 – Fish die en masse in fish farms in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam.

18th July 2016 – Millions of poultry dying from avian flu across Central Africa.

18th July 2016 – Masses of dead fish found floating in the waters of Kamensk, Russia.

17th July 2016 – Large fish kills in the waters of Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia.

16th July 2016 – Thousands of dead fish litter a beach on Okaloosa Island, Florida, America.

15th July 2016 – 3,500 ducks found dead along the river Palar in India.

14th July 2016 – 200,000+ dead fish have washed up in Craven County, North Carolina, America.

14th July 2016 – Large number of sea birds washing up dead is ‘alarming’ in Victoria, Canada.

13th July 2016 – 40,000 birds to be killed due to avian flu in Friesland, Netherlands.

9th July 2016 – 100 bull sharks found washed up dead on beaches in Mobile Bay, America.

8th July 2016 – 14,000 ducks to be killed due to avian flu in Ontario, Canada.

7th July 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in a canal in Florida, America. Link

6th July 2016 – Massive die off of fish in fish farms in Hongze County, China.

6th July 2016 – Large die off of fish in a river in Luoyang, China.

5th July 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on beaches in Virginia, America.

5th July 2016 – 1,000+ geese killed due to avain flu in Tainan, Taiwan.

4th July 2016 – Tens of thousands of dead fish found in a river in Quebec, Canada

3rd July 2016 – Several TONS of dead fish found in a river in Deventer, Netherlands.

2nd July 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found, ‘a mystery’ in the coastal waters of Catanzaro, Italy.

1st July 2016 – Mass fish die off in a river in Sumy Region, Ukraine.

30th June 2016 – Thousands of fish die in Mad River Estuary, California, America.

29th June 2016 – Mass fish die off in a river in Stavropol, Russia.

28th June 2016 – Hundreds of dead starfish wash up on beaches in Tekirdag, Turkey.

28th June 2016 – Hundreds of dead birds washing up along lake Erie in New York, America.

28th June 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Lancashire, England.

27th June 2016 – 13,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Yunlin County, Taiwan.

27th June 2016 – 3 TONS of fish found dead in a lake in Viamao, Brazil.

27th June 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Terramaini channel, Italy.

26th June 2016 – Huge number of dead fish found in a river in Nanjing, China.

25th June 2016 – 48 dead turtles found on beaches in Sinaloa, Mexico.

25th June 2016 – Large number of dead sea creatures washing ashore, ‘a mystery’ in Skegness, England.

25th June 2016 – 45,000 cattle have died this year due to drought in Tabasco, Mexico.

25th June 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found along the waterways of Memphis, America.

25th June 2016 – TONS of fish found dead in the waters of Nalgonda, India.

24th June 2016 – Dozens of alligators and hundreds of fish dying every day due to drought inDead Alligators Paraguay Pilcomayo river, Paraguay.

24th June 2016 – 40 TONS of fish ‘suddenly die’ in a fish farm in Hau Giang, Vietnam.

24th June 2016 – 9,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Macau, China.

24th June 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Bernardo de Irigoyen, Argentina.

24th June 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a lake in Quang Nam, Vietnam.

23rd June 2016 – Hundreds of dead birds found in fields ‘due to pesticides’ in Chandrapur, India.

23rd June 2016 – Thousands of fish died in a park lake in Santa Catarina, Brazil.

21st June 2016 – 300 sheep dead due to lightning in Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan.

21st June 2016 – Massive fish kill in Green Lake, Wisconsin, America

20th June 2016 – 120,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Al Biqa, Lebanon.

20th June 2016 – Hundreds of exotic fish found dead in the waters of Portalegre District, Portugal.

20th June 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a river in Oklahoma, America.

18th June 2016 – 60 TONS of fish have died in the waters of Maine-et-Loire, France.

17th June 2016 – Masses of dead crabs and starfish washing up in Port Aransas, Texas, America.

17th June 2016 – Mass die off of salmon in fish farms, due to ‘toxic algae’ in British Columbia, Canada.

17th June 2016 – Dozens of TONS of fish die suddenly in Kuningan, Indonesia.

16th June 2016 – Large die off of various fish and crabs along the Neuse River is ‘unusual’, North Carolina, America.

16th June 2016 – 35 dead turtles found in Santa Rosalia, Mexico.

16th June 2016 – 11 dead turtles and dolphins found washed up in Escuinapa, Mexico.

16th June 2016 – 30+ whales stranded, 10 dead on Java Island in Indonesia.

16th June 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found washed up in a lake in Kolkata, India.

15th June 2016 – Masses of dead fish washing up on beaches in Lake Michigan, America.

15th June 2016 – 7 whales have washed up during the past 5 months in Nghe An Province, Vietnam.

14th June 2016 – Tens of thousands of fish have died in a lake in Santa Lucia, Peru.

13th June 2016 – 20,000 fish die in a pond in St Josephs, Missouri, America.

12th June 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Zwolle, Netherlands.

12th June 2016 – Masses of dead fish wash up on a beach in Lianyungang, China.

12th June 2016 – Thousands of cattle dead due to flooding in Tasmania, Australia.

12th June 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in Gohira dam in India.

10th June 2016 – 48,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Dongeradeel, Netherlands.

10th June 2016 – Masses of dead fish wash up along the marshes of Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia.

9th June 2016 – Thousands of dead tuna crabs wash up in Mission Bay, California, America.

9th June 2016 – 6 TONS of fish die in a lake in Hanoi, Vietnam.

8th June 2016 – Mass die off of fish in a river in East Kazakhstan.

8th June 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up in a lake in Kananaskis, Canada.

7th June 2016 – 20 turtles and other marine animals wash up dead in Santa Rosalia, Mexico. 7th June 2016 – 4,500 birds killed due to avian flu in central Hong Kong.

6th June 2016 – Massive die off of fish along 15km of coast of Tabasco, Mexico.

6th June 2016 – 10,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Landes, France.

3rd June 2016 – 90 TONS of fish die in West Java, Indonesia.

3rd June 2016 – 86,000 birds killed from avian flu in Niger.

2nd June 2016 – Large number of dead birds being found, ‘a mystery’ in Martins Ferry, Ohio, America.

2nd June 2016 – 10,000+ chickens killed due to avian flu in Yunlin County, Taiwan.

1st June 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found washed up on Prince Edward Island in Canada.

30th May 2016 – Hundreds of fish die in lake Independence, Minnesota, America.

30th May 2016 – Hundreds of fish die in a lake in Bengaluru, India.

29th May 2016 – Thousands of fish turning up dead along the coast of Catia La Mar in Venezuela.

28th May 2016 – 2 Humpback whales found dead on beaches in Santa Catarina, Brazil.

27th May 2016 – 35,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Cameroon.

26th May 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach in Gulfport, Mississippi, America.

24th May 2016 – Large fish kill found on a river in Negros Occidental, Philippines.

24th May 2016 – Hundreds of thousands of dead fish wash up on Grand Isle beach in Louisiana, Dead fish in LouisianaAmerica.

24th May 2016 – Mass die off of fish found in a lake in Nam Dinh, Vietnam.

23rd May 2016 – Massive die off of fish in the waterways of Palm Beach County, Florida, America.

23rd May 2016 – Hundreds of thousands of fish die in a reservoir in Chanthaburi, Thailand. 22nd May 2016 – TONS of fish found dead in a lake in Boyaca, Colombia.

21st May 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in lakes in El Nayar, Mexico.

20th May 2016 – TONS of fish killed in a lake in Cotabato, Philippines.

19th May 2016 – 50,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Emilia-Romagna, Italy.

19th May 2016 – Mass die off of fish found in a river in Eloor, India.

18th May 2016 – 25,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Accra, Ghana.

18th May 2016 – 70+ TONS of fish die in a canal ‘due to heavy rain’ in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

17th May 2016 – Tons of dead fish found in the waters of Claassee, Germany.

16th May 2016 – 1 MILLION+ cattle have died this year due to extreme weather in Mongolia.

16th May 2016 – Large numbers of loggerhead turtles found dead this year on the coast of Almeria, Spain.

15th May 2016 – 24 whales die after beaching in Baja California, Mexico.

13th May 2016 – Masses of dead jellyfish found washed up on beaches on Chiloe Island, Chile.

12th May 2016 – Another 300 TONS of dead sardines wash up on the south coast of Chile.

11th May 2016 – Thousands of dead tuna crabs wash ashore on Imperial Beach, California, America.

11th May 2016 – Thousands of dead fish surface at a lake in Bengaluru, India.

10th May 2016 – Hundreds of snow geese found dead in Idaho, America

9th May 2016 – 9,000 birds killed by huge hailstorm in Utah, America.

9th May 2016 – Masses of dead prawns wash up on the coast of Arica, Chile.

9th May 2016 – 100 dead sea birds found washed up on beaches in El Tabito and Matanzas, Chile.

9th May 2016 – 130,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Karnataka, India.

9th May 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Saint Petersburg, Russia.

8th May 2016 – 2,000 pigs die from disease in Aizawl, India.

8th May 2016 – 17,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in North East Italy.

6th May 2016 – Thousands of fish have died due to pollution in the San Juan River in Mexico.

5th May 2016 – UPDATE: 40,000 TONS of Salmon and 8,000 TONS of Sardines have washed up dead, due to red tide in Chile.

5th May 2016 – 30+ TONS of dead fish appear in a lake, ‘people in shock’ in Hainan, China.

4th May 2016 – 39,000 turkeys killed due to avian flu in Missouri, America.

4th May 2016 – Hundreds of cattle dead due to disease in Kampong Thom, Cambodia.

3rd May 2016 – 2,600 Turtles and thousands of sea birds found dead during past 6 months in southern Brazil.

3rd May 2016 – Massive fish kill in Lake Thunderbird in Oklahoma, America.

3rd May 2016 – Hundreds of TONS of fish suddenly die in Lake Toba, Indonesia.

2nd May 2016 – 200 TONS of fish found dead in a lake in Alfenas, Brazil.

2nd May 2016 – Thousands of dead jellyfish found washed ashore, ‘a rare phenomenon’ along Blue JellyfishOdisha coast in India.

2nd May 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Florida, America.

30th April 2016 – Millions of dead molluscs found washed up on beaches, ‘a disaster’ in Los Lagos, Chile.

30th April 2016 – 14 TONS of dead fish found in a lake in Xiamen, China.

29th April 2016 – 80,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Al Biqa, Lebanon.

28th April 2016 – 100+ TONS of clams have died in central Vietnam.

28th April 2016 – 80,000 Chickens killed from fire at a farm in Connecticut, America.

26th April 2016 – 720,000 birds killed due to avian flu in various parts of Iraq.

25th April 2016 – 65 TONS of fish have died in the waters of Kampong Thom, Cambodia.

25th April 2016 – 40 TONS of fish have died in a lake in Nalgonda district, India.

23rd April 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on a beach in Cattlewash, Barbados.

23rd April 2016 – 70+ TONS of dead fish found in a river in Magdalena Department, Colombia.

23rd April 2016 – Massive die off of fish in a river in Hulunbuir, China.

22nd April 2016 – 1 TON of shrimp and other fish have died in a pond in Phuket, Thailand.

22nd April 2016 – 200,000 fish have died in fish farms in Taiping, Malaysia.

21st April 2016 – 50 dolphins found stranded, 10 dead on a beach in Cambutal, Panama.

21st April 2016 – Hundreds of fish die in a lake, ‘whole lake is dead’ in Alberta, Canada.

21st April 2016 – Massive die off of fish, ‘never seen this before’ in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam.

21st April 2016 – Hundreds of fish die in a lake, ‘never seen this before’ in Princeton, New Jersey, America.

21st April 2016 – 190,000 birds killed, 62 farms closed, due to avian flu in Plateau, Nigeria.

21st April 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Yuriria, Mexico.

20th April 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found washed up on a beach in Tenerife, Spain.

20th April 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in the Bobos river in Mexico.

20th April 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on a beach in Cukurova, Turkey.

19th April 2016 – 23,000 chickens killed due to avian flu in Monywa, Myanmar.

19th April 2016 – 100 dead turtles found in Lam Luk Ka, Thailand.

18th April 2016 – 4,000 TONS of sardines wash up in Araucania Chile.

18th April 2016 – 48 dead turtles have washed up along the Gulf Coast this year, ‘scientists puzzled’ in Colombia.

15th April 2016 – Millions of fish ‘suddenly die’ in a river in Mimika Regency, Indonesia.

14th April 2016 – 1,000 cattle dead due to ‘high nitrate grasslands’ in Boyaca, Colombia.

12th April 2016 – 79 dead turtles found on beaches in Jalisco, Mexico.

12th April 2016 – Thousands of dead sword fish found on Lopes Mendes sands in Brazil.

11th April 2016 – Mass die off of fish in a reservoir in Omsk, Russia.

11th April 2016 – Thousands of fish are dead in a river ‘due to drought’ in Lampang, Thailand.

9th April 2016 – 1,000 pigs dead ‘due to gas mining pollution’ in Chinchilla, Australia.

9th April 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on Amouli Beach in Samoa.

8th April 2016 – 100,000 lbs of dead fish found in a reservoir in Sifangtai District, China.

8th April 2016 – Dozens of dead birds found along a road in Fairfax County, Virginia, America.

8th April 2016 – Masses of dead fish appear in a pond in Fortaleza, Brazil

7th April 2016 – 5,000 birds killed by storm in Jessore, Bangladesh.

6th April 2016 – 18,000 birds killed due to new outbreak of avian flu in Plateau province, Nigeria.

5th April 2016 – Thousands of fish killed due to sewage leek in a lake in Tennessee, America.

4th April 2016 – 700+ dead turtles have been found during the past 2 months along coast of Guerrero, Mexico.

4th April 2016 – Hundreds of thousands of dead fish found in a river in Kazuo, China.

4th April 2016 – 5 dolphins, plus other marine animals found dead on beaches in San Bernardo del Viento, Colombia.

4th April 2016 – 1,700 Geese killed due to avian flu in Taibao City, Taiwan.

4th April 2016 – Thousands of fish have died in a reservoir in Eskikadin, Turkey.

2nd April 2016 – 80 turtles found dead on a beach in Paradip, India.

2nd April 2016 – 11,000 birds killed due to avian flu in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

31st March 2016 – Thousands of dead jellyfish wash ashore on Hallandale Beach in Florida, Dead jellyfish in FloridaAmerica.

31st March 2016 – 61 dead dolphins, whales and porpoise have washed up during past 3 months in Cornwall, England.

31st March 2016 – 8 dead dolphins have washed ashore this past week in Mississippi, America.

30th March 2016 – Hundreds of fish die in a pond, reason unknown, in Pune, India.

29th March 2016 – 68 wild boars found dead due to disease in a forest in Lukhovitsy, Russia.

29th March 2016 – 167,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Katsina, Sokoto and Bauchi provinces, Nigeria.

29th March 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in Cape Hillsborough, Queensland, Australia.

29th March 2016 – 100 dead birds found along I-5 in Redding, California, America.

28th March 2016 – Large die off of fish along the estuary in Poneloya, Nicaragua.

28th March 2016 – Hundreds of Thousands of dead fish along Indian River Lagoon in Florida, America

28th March 2016 – 19 dead dolphins found washed up along the coast of Georgia.

27th March 2016 – 11,000 ducks killed due to avian flu in Icheon, South Korea.

25th March 2016 – Massive die off of fish in a lake in Nanhu District, China.

25th March 2016 – 5,000 fish die in a fish farm in Labuan, Malaysia.

24th March 2016 – Massive die off of fish ‘due to unknown disease’ in Maniema, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

23rd March 2016 – Thousands of TONS of oysters die off in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.

23rd March 2016 – Tens of Thousands of fish die in a lake in Krabi, Thailand.

22nd March 2016 – Dozens of dead birds found along a road in Elmira, New York, America.

20th March 2016 – 350,000+ cattle dead due to cold weather in the Mongolian Steppes, Mongolia.

20th March 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish appear in a canal in Tamaulipas, Mexico.

19th March 2016 – Thousands of fish dying in fish farms ‘due to heat’ in Taiping, Malaysia.

19th March 2016 – Hundreds of fish dead in a lake in Devarabeesanahalli, India.

19th March 2016 – Die off of fish found washed up on a beach in Calodyne, Mauritius.

18th March 2016 – 10 dead sea lions found this week on beaches of Vancouver Island, Canada.

17th March 2016 – Large amount of dead fish found washed up on a beach in Rayong, Thailand.

17th March 2016 – Large die off of fish along 10km of coastline in Kimberley, Australia.

16th March 2016 – Hundreds of dead crows found near Battle Creek in Michigan, America.

16th March 2016 – UPDATE: sea bird die off now up to 36,000 in Alaska, America.

16th March 2016 – Thousands of birds dead due to avian flu in Banyuwangi, Indonesia.

15th March 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish washing up at Cape Canaveral and Cocoa Beach in Florida, America.

15th March 2016 – Thousands of fish and 6 crocodiles dead as river runs dry in Yadgir, India.

13th March 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found washed ashore along McPhee Reservoir in Colorado, America.

12th March 2016 – Thousands of dead fish found in Lower Lake Mary in Arizona, America.

12th March 2016 – 16,880 chickens killed due to outbreak of avian flu in Changhua, Taiwan.

12th March 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Oran, Algeria.

11th March 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on shores of a lagoon in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

10th March 2016 – 3 rare whales found dead on Northland beach in New Zealand.

9th March 2016 – 160,000+ birds killed due to new avian flu outbreaks in Plateau and Kano, Nigeria.

8th March 2016 – MASSIVE – 21 MILLION+ salmon dead due to algae bloom in Chiloe and Aysen region, Chile.

8th March 2016 – 7+ TONS of dead fish found in a river in Tres Lagoas, Brazil.

8th March 2016 – 1 MILLION+ sea slugs wash up dead on a beach in Phuket, Thailand.

7th March 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in Bengaluru Lakes, India.

7th March 2016 – Thousands of dead fish appear in the Bobos river in Mexico.

6th March 2016 – Massive fish kill, ‘biggest ever’ in a river in Queensland, Australia.

4th March 2016 – Large number of dead sea birds washing up on beaches in Volusia, Florida, America.

4th March 2016 – 7 TONS of dead fish have washed up in Cape Town, South Africa.

3rd March 2016 – 28 dead dolphins found during the past 2 months along the west coast of Ireland.

3rd March 2016 – 23 dolphins found dead on beaches south of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

3rd March 2016 – Several TONS of dead fish found in the Chicamocha River, Colombia.

2nd March 2016 – Massive die off of fish along 7km of river in Periyar, India.

2nd March 2016 – Hundreds of fish die in Devigere lake, India.

1st March 2016 – 860,000 cattle dead due to severe drought and rainstorms in Bolivia.

1st March 2016 – Thousands of dead fish have washed up in a lake in Victoria, Australia.

29th February 2016 – 16 dead whales have washed up dead during past couple of months in Baja California, Mexico.

29th February 2016 – 400,000 salmon dead due to ‘lice treatment and disease’ in fish farms in Norway.

29th February 2016 – 12,000+ chickens and geese killed due to avian flu in Taiwan.

26th February 2016 – 800 dead ducks removed from reservoirs in Caceres, Spain.

26th February 2016 – Hundreds of dead sea lions have washed up, during past few months along the coast of Chile and Peru.

25th February 2016 – 40+ Olive Ridley turtles found dead along the coast of Odisha, India.

25th February 2016 – 30+ TONS of dead fish removed from a lake in Ningde, China.

23rd February 2016 – 100,000 cattle dead due to drought throughout Colombia.

23rd February 2016 – 41,000 birds dead due to another outbreak of avian flu in Taiwan.

22nd February 2016 – 129 dead sea turtles have washed up this month in Clearwater, Florida, America.

22nd February 2016 – 20 TONS of fish die in Lake Maninjau, Indonesia.

22nd February 2016 – Massive die off of fish along a river in Surat, India.

21st February 2016 – Dozens of dead birds found along a highway in Ohio, America.

20th February 2016 – 6 dead dolphins have washed up this year in Yucatan, Mexico.

19th February 2016 – 118 turtles found dead along the coast of Oaxaca, Mexico.

18th February 2016 – Hundreds of dead sea birds found washed up in Trujillo, Peru.

18th February 2016 – Hundreds of birds fall dead from sky in Odessa, Ukraine.

17th February 2016 – MASSIVE – 1000+ TONS of fish have died in fish farms along the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.

17th February 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Chapultepec, Mexico.

16th February 2016 – Tens of thousands of cattle dead, due to drought in Southern Zimbabwe.

16th February 2016 – 445 dead turtles found washed up along beaches in Guerrero, Mexico.

16th February 2016 – Large die off of fish along the waterways of Karatay in Turkey.

15th February 2016 – Thousands of fish are dying along the Porce River in Colombia.

13th February 2016 – MASSIVE – 150,000 penguins die after giant iceberg becomes grounded in Antarctica.

11th February 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash up on beaches in Mauritius.

11th February 2016 – Thousands of fish continue to die along the Nile Delta in Egypt.

11th February 2016 – Dozens of monkeys are dying off, ‘a mystery’ in the forests of Nicaragua.

11th February 2016 – Thousands of dead fish are washing up on beaches in Fiji.

11th February 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in the waters of Oosterhout, Netherlands.

11th February 2016 – 5,800 chickens killed due to avain flu in Tainan, Taiwan.

11th February 2016 – Masses of dead fish wash up on beaches in Montevideo, Uruguay.

10th February 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in the waters of New Caledonia.

10th February 2016 – Hundreds of dead eels found in a creek in Marlborough, New Zealand.

10th February 2016 – Dozens of dead sea birds, plus other marine creatures found on a beach in Malibu, America.

9th February 2016 – Dozens of cattle dying off due to unknown disease in Warrap State, Sudan.

6th February 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash ashore ‘due to red tide’ in Florida, America.

5th February 2016 – MILLIONS of Oysters are dead due to disease in southern Tasmania, Australia.

4th February 2016 – Dozens of birds suddenly die in Wichita, Kansas, America.

4th February 2016 – Dozens of Pelicans dying, reason unknown on Grand Isle, Louisiana, America.

4th February 2016 – 6 dead whales have washed ashore along the coast of East England.

4th February 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish wash ashore, ‘sparking fear’ in La Brea, Trinidad and Tobago.

4th February 2016 – Massive die off of fish in a lagoon in Marica, Brazil.

3rd February 2016 – 8 more dead whales found along coast of Friedrichskoog, Germany.

3rd February 2016 – 700,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Kurdistan.

3rd February 2016 – 41,000 chickens have died from Newcastle disease in Luzon, Philippines.

3rd February 2016 – 36 TONS of fish have died in farms, ‘due to read tide’ in Hong Kong.

3rd February 2016 – Dozens of dead turtles found along beaches in Tecpan de Galeana, Mexico.

3rd February 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in ponds in Queensland, Australia.

3rd February 2016 – 11,500 Chickens killed due to avian flu in Changhua County, Taiwan.

1st February 2016 – 1 Whale and 3 dolphins wash up dead along Oregon-Washington Coast, America.

1st February 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Texas, America.

1st February 2016 – Mass deaths of fish in Shing Mun River, Hong Kong.

1st February 2016 – Masses of dead fish discovered along 1km of river in Hubei province, China.

31st January 2016 – Large die off of fish, ‘never seen before’ in Snake River, Washington, America.

30th January 2016 – 500+ camels have died from ‘mysterious disease’ in Marsabit, Kenya.

30th January 2016 – 19+ TONS of dead fish found in a lake in Goias, Brazil.

29th January 2016 – 2.5 Million birds killed due to avian flu in 18 states of Nigeria.

28th January 2016 – 22,000+ sea birds found dead, ‘biggest die off ever recorded’, along beaches Dead birds in alaskain Alaska, America.

28th January 2016 – Hundreds of sea birds found dead on a beach on Sea of Galilee, Israel.

28th January 2016 – 8,900+ Buffalo and cows killed by cold in Northern Vietnam.

28th January 2016 – HUNDREDS OF TONS of fish have died in farms in Ha Tinh province, Vietnam.

27th January 2016 – 400 TONS of fish have died due to cold in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand.

27th January 2016 – Thousands of fish have died in a reservoir in Nevada, America.

26th January 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash ashore on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, America.

25th January 2016 – Thousands of chickens killed by ‘mysterious disease’ in Kampong Thom, Cambodia.

25th January 2016 – Thousands of dead starfish are washing ashore at Port St. Joe, Florida, Dead Starfish in FloridaAmerica.

25th January 2016 – 1000+ swans dead due to avian flu in Hunan, China.

25th January 2016 – Hundreds of thousands of fish found dead in a lake in Samut Prakan, Thailand.

21st January 2016 – 24,000 Fowls, 250 Peacocks, and other birds killed due to avain flu in Adamawa, Nigeria.

21st January 2016 – 300 dead turtles found on a beach in Odisha, India.

20th January 2016 – 400,000 birds killed due to outbreak of avian flu in Indiana, America.

18th January 2016 – 7 dead whales found along the coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico.

18th January 2016 – Mass fish kill in a river in Eloor, India.

17th January 2016 – 12 sperm whales wash up dead on islands in Netherlands and Germany.

17th January 2016 – Large die off of fish spotted along the Nile in Rosetta, Egypt.

16th January 2016 – 8,000+ birds killed due to avian flu in Tripura, India.

15th January 2016 – MASSIVE – 10,000+ dead squid wash ashore ‘reason Dead squid in chileunknown’ in Arauco, Chile.

15th January 2016 – 10,000 ducks killed due to more outbreaks of avian flu in Taipei, Taiwan.

15th January 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found floating in a river in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

14th January 2016 – 5 giant sperm whales wash ashore dead on Texel Island in Netherlands.

13th January 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in Guanabara Bay, Brazil.

13th January 2016 – 40,000 chickens to be killed due to avian flu in Fife, Scotland.

13th January 2016 – Hundreds of thousands of fish dead or dying in Hunter river, NSW, Australia.

12th January 2016 – Hundreds of animals killed by hail storm in Canchabamba, Peru.

12th January 2016 – 100+ Whales stranded, 45 dead on the coast of Tamil Nadu, India.

12th January 2016 – 700,000 birds killed due to another outbreak of avian flu in Kano State,Dead whales in India Nigeria.

10th January 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish and eels found in a lake in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

9th January 2016 – 4,000+ cattle dead due to drought in Huila, Colombia.

8th January 2016 – Thousands of dead fish wash up in Gulfport, Florida, America.

8th January 2016 – 330,000+ birds killed due to avian flu in Kano and Delta regions, Nigeria.

8th January 2016 – Tens of thousands of dead starfish and jellyfish wash up along Sussex and Hampshire, England.

7th January 2016 – Tens of thousands of birds killed due to avian flu in various areas of Taiwan.

7th January 2016 – 2,000 dead fish found along the banks of a river in Amalfi, Colombia.

6th January 2016 – 100+ TONS of fish die, in a river in Dong Nai Province, Vietnam.

6th January 2016 – Hundreds of dead birds found in Cueramaro, Mexico.

6th January 2016 – 25,000 birds killed due to avian flu in Accra, Ghana.

5th January 2016 – Massive die off of fish in a lake in Marica, Brazil.

5th January 2016 – Hundreds of dead fish found along a river in Gebeng, Malaysia.

2nd January 2016 – 40,000 cattle killed in storm in Texas and New Mexico, America.

2nd January 2016 – Thousands of fish dead in a river due to pollution in Pelalawan Regency, Indonesia.

2nd January 2016 – Hundreds of dead starfish wash ashore on a beach in Portsmouth, England.