Treatment for Neurological Diseases Ensued by Electrically Fried Nerve Endings

When the Human Body Shorts Out Electrically It’s Likely Called Tremors or Parkinson’s Disease.  Try tonic first at bottom.

Use Prayers to finally see Truth.  Keep an open mind.  This article requires emotional processing.  Looking into the face of evil is not easy.  Admitting that we have a lethal enemy afoot is not something easily dealt with emotionally.  Denial is the go to solution for Truth we cannot handle.  Anger is the failsafe.  Blame is dysfunctional.

Disclaimer medical.  The authors ARE NOT DOCTORS OR OTHERWISE medically trained in any way.  We do not claim medical advice here.  We claim we had a dream that gave us an alleged non-medical, non-chemical treatment for Parkinson’s Disease.  Take it or leave it.

An uncommon sense article.

Remember this mantra.  “OUT OF THE PROBLEM INTO THE SOLUTION”.

“All things work together for the good to those who Love God.  God makes a way where there seems no way.”

Why They Don’t Teach Us About the Dangers of long term exposure to Electrical Currents in School.  Same reason the lie about the Earth we live on.

Continue reading “Treatment for Neurological Diseases Ensued by Electrically Fried Nerve Endings”

List of 12 Step Programs

Various 12 Step Programs with Links

Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Alcoholics Anonymous –
Narcotics Anonymous –

Eating Addictions

Food Addicts Anonymous –
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous –
Overeaters Anonymous –
Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous –
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous –
Eating Disorders Anonymous –
Overeaters Anonymous –

For the Family

Al-Anon/Alateen –
Adult Children of Alcoholics –
Nar-Anon –
Families Anonymous –
Parents Anonymous –
Co-Anon/ Cocaine Anonymous –
Co-Dependents Anonymous –

Other Anonymous Fellowships

Cocaine Anonymous –
Gamblers Anonymous –
Dual Recovery Anonymous –
Emotional Health Anonymous – Emotional Health Anonymous
Debtors Anonymous –
Nicotine Anonymous –
All Addictions Anonymous –
Chemically Dependent Anonymous –
Crystal Meth Anonymous –
Dual Diagnosis Anonymous –
Heroin Anonymous –
Marijuana Anonymous –
Methadone Anonymous –
Pills Anonymous –
Prescription Anonymous –
Recoveries Anonymous –
Bettors Anonymous –
Bloggers Anonymous –
Clutterers Anonymous –
Emotions Anonymous –
Gamblers Anonymous –
Hepatitis C Anonymous –
HIV AIDS Anonymous –
Kleptomaniacs and Shoplifters Anonymous –
Procrastinators Anonymous –
Recovering Couples Anonymous –
Schizophrenics Anonymous –
Self Mutilators Anonymous –
Spenders Anonymous –
Survivors of Incest Anonymous –
Trauma Anonymous –
Workaholics Anonymous –

Sex and Love Addictions

Love Addicts Anonymous –
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous –
Sex Addicts Anonymous –
Sexaholics Anonymous –
Sexual Compulsive Anonymous –
Sexual Recovery Anonymous –

Why Was Christmas Really Invented?

Don’t Read This Story if You Want to Retain the Fairytale Idealism of a Fantasy Christmas Day.  This article with smash your perceptions.


Decoding of The Christmas Program.  (please read at minimum the final paragraph).

Predictive Programming- To put a movie, ad campaign, show, media, on TV (image of the beast) radio or any large public platform.  The narrative of the TV campaign is to invite a specifically geared common subconscious reaction.   They anticipate by knowledge & experience how a majority will react to the TV program of the mind.

Example- The news advertises a run on the banks and the crashing of the financial system.  The common reaction is to move our money somewhere safe.


Continue reading “Why Was Christmas Really Invented?”

Born Again Stripper

What Does A Stripper Do After She Meets God?


Hell Bent On Self Annihilation

Sidenote- for more details read my free Book-“Paradise For The HellBound”

I was a stripper in Texas and in Florida. What a life. First club I worked at was a place called “Baby Dolls”. I started as a coctail waitress. Little did I know I was being primed for dancing. Oh, it was all my choice. But when a waitress sees the glory and attention that dancers receive with the money…well…that’s all it took for me to decide.

Continue reading “Born Again Stripper”

They Stoled My Feeling of Well Being

Likely At Birth


It’s simple to explain why some people immediately get dependent upon opiates or opioids when trying them.  Yes, it’s easy for me to finally realize that the normies have something I never did.  At least they have something naturally that I had to work for and plead with God to have.   A fearless feeling of well being.

The normies apparently have an indwelt sense of well being.  They do not suffer from nagging incessant fear.  Therefore when a normie does his first drug he gets high alright but he doesn’t get what we addicts get.  RELIEF.

Continue reading “They Stoled My Feeling of Well Being”

Addiction-The War for Your Soul

Cunning Baffling & Powerful?

If you are an addict who has felt the obsession compulsion and what it feels like to do what you do not want to do then you know the spiritual aspect of addiction.  That my friend is the part that is cunning and baffling to most.

Why is it some people get paranoid on really good weed and other’s do not?  There is likely more than one reason but I have some spiritual answers to the question.

Continue reading “Addiction-The War for Your Soul”

Love Covers A Multitude of Sin-Proverbs

Love is a kind, considerate, caring action that is respectful of others situations and empathy is shown.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is the directive for Love.


In These Scary Times We May Be Tempted to Use Pills or Liquor or Sex or Turmoil As A Coping Reaction


Or we might lash out at those we love most.  We must apologize of such knee jerk reactions to fear.  Now is the time to stand together with breathren more so than ever.

Continue reading “Love Covers A Multitude of Sin-Proverbs”