When Sobriety Becomes a Way of Life

What is addiction?

Addiction is not a Disease, but rather it is a spiritual malady and force of habit.  It is a poor self image and the presence of a broken heart.  Our heart can be healed and our habits can be changes.  We won’t relapse if we take the time to respect ourselves enough to realize not only did we hurt others but others hurt us deeply.  The certainly taught us as children that we were inferior and bad.  So we spent the rest of our days trying to prove that it wasn’t true while our own hearts believed that it was.

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We Addicts Are Programmed to Demoralize One Another

Disclaimer:  This article holds nothing back.  It is not a blame game but rather has identified common reasons for addiction.  Taking responsibility for our healing and recovery is still imperative to our emotional health.  But for those who do find addiction “cunning and baffling” this explains common causes.  If you want solutions they are all over this website but clearly this article is not solution oriented.  See The Cure:  https://www.recoveryfarmhouse.net/addiction-is-no-longer-baffling-to-me-and-many-others/ 

We Addicts have been conditioned to demoralize one another.

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“Pitiful and Incomprehensible Demoralization”

Article written by Jobaly Timerivess 6-6-06

Bill W. scribed the term to us “pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization”.

Oh Mr. Wilson!  Yea for art thou a colorful writer to stretch your mind around such an appropriate and relate-able term as “Pitiful and Incomprehensible Demoralization”.   Oh how you must have suffered to feel these heinous words rushing through your blood and soul!

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Suboxone Maker’s Criminal Scam to Profit off Suffering Heroin Addicts

Suboxone Creator’s Shocking Scheme to Profit Off of Heroin Addicts

The company behind America’s most popular drug to treat addicts actually claimed its pills could kill kids to get a new patent and $1 billion.

Reckitt Benckiser’s patent for its opiate-treatment drug Suboxone expired, opening the gates for cheaper generic versions of the medication to hit the market. At stake was the loss of the company’s 85 percent hold on the market for medication-assisted treatment, which was booming thanks to the growing opiate epidemic. Hundreds of millions stood to be lost from the patent’s expiration.

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Accept the Human Condition of Fear

And Begin To Heal from Shame & Repressed Fear of who we are.

We have a choice to make today toward our fellows posts and in meetings. We either search our psyche & heart to RELATE to what they are saying and promote healing, OR we take out our RED PEN and GRADE their share as if we are the disgruntled school master and the share was written by the bully of our classroom whom we want to hurt because we were so badly hurt. Or worse, he made us look inferior we perceive. And finally if someone posts something we don’t agree with we must DEFEND

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Is Google on our side?  Do we have good reason to Love Google?  Or are we deceived?  More will be revealed, and more to come

I am watching to see as my most informative Youtube channels of truth seekers are systematically deleted. Lets hope Info-wars reports are wrong about this and that Google does have our best interest at heart as I hope to believe.

Mike Adams’, The Health Ranger YouTube channel has been terminated.

Hughesnet Satellite Internet Sucks

I have been a Hughes*net customer for over 10 years.  My Internet plan started at about $35 a month for 100G of usage.   When I got the Gen 4 receiver I was FINALLY able to stream YouTube videos without a bunch of buffering about two years ago.  Then suddenly my internet service sucked again.  I was up to paying over $100 a month for internet that won’t even stream a Youtube video.

Fast forward…I called H.N. and they sent a worker out who went on the roof for about 2 minutes and said everything was fine and I was “getting what H.N. had promised me”.  Slow internet that is pretty much worthless except to be compared to ancient dial up.  They charged me $200 for his 2 minutes of work.  He showed up after dark and didn’t even have a flashlight.

So H.N. says to me “GET GEN 5 then it will work again”.  Pay another $25 a month.  So my bill is up to $125 a month for the same 50/50g.  I can’t stream videos.

Hughesnot workers says to me: ” it’s all your fault because you have 4 devices in the house.  It doesn’t matter that they are turned off, they are sucking all your data.”

We have the traditional wifi and one phone each plus one smart tv not hooked to the internet.  But the nice man informed me that even though they are not being used, that’s why I can’t download a you tube videos to watch without major buffering ALL THE TIME.

Thank you sir I am so glad you cleared that up for me.  So thanks to HughesNUT and all their wisdom I now know that just because I pay $125 a month I am so bad for having 4 devices in my house that my great and reliable internet that is worth the money doesn’t work because it’s ….wait for it…MY FAULT.

I think I probably should be punished for my behavior don’t you?  Gee…my direct TV doesn’t buffer.  They seem to be able to get satellite signal good enough for a movie to play.


The Disease Concept is a Sham You CAN Recover

If you have the cajonies to look at your life with clarity and truth.


War for profit shows the mentality of the men and women who rule the Earth and what they are concerned with primarily. We are roaches to many of them. And our self

esteem/ADDICTION problems are directly related to the indoctrination we suffered in schools, and our parents endured as well in the U.S. Does this mean we don’t do a personal

inventory? Hell no! It means we need to see the big picture of why our lives really went south and what was behind it. TV, education, poison foods, all part of our slave

mentality indoctrination. We were DEMORALIZED WAY BEFORE WE COMMITTED OUR FIRST WRONG to others. Credit where credit is due. THERE IS NO DISEASE OF ADDICTION. DRUGS WERE OUR


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Eyes Wide Shut…the addicts fail-safe

Addicts should look at and process of both wrongs committed and wrongs suffered to fully recover. When we enter the realm of understanding and acceptance, we abandon deep denial, that is when addiction is no longer baffling to us.  We label it a “disease” which gets us nowhere in progressive understanding of ourselves but instead we become open to emotional vulnerability in ourselves.  Then we can start understanding how and why we were in so much emotional pain at a young age and forward.

Don’t you see my friend?  If I call addiction a disease it will always be baffling to me and I will never get to know myself at a core level with both acceptance and understanding, forgiveness, and mesh my addict self with Love to my healthy patterns, and nurture that part of me back to health.

Calling the addict part of me a “disease” is a label of negativity.  As if part of me is reprehensible and beyond repair, this is no true.  Yes addiction is spiritual, but first it’s emotional.  My sick emotions open the door for the demon of addiction to abide.  When I Love that emotional part of me back to health I then dispel the hateful addict demon that latched itself to my feelings of inferiority and deep hidden fear.

I expose my fear to the light of empathy and fellowship in the name of truth and transparency of self.  I quit hiding fear away as if it were a sign of “shitty recovery” to experience it.  I now understand fear is and always was a part of the human condition therefore I stop being ashamed of fear, and instead I share it and write down on my FEAR LIST just as directed in the fourth step of the Big Book instructions.  You know the fear list that NOBODY EVER TALKS ABOUT OR MENTIONS ON YOUR FOURTH STEP…..HELLO!

What else?  Well how about I need at LEAST one person I can tell anything to.  I now need to relieve myself of guilt and shame the culprits of my sick emotional state.  WE ARE AS SICK AS OUR SECRETS.  You will never gain self Love and confidence if you do not know who the hell you are to begin with.  WE must finally accept our vulnerable sides in spite of the brainwashing we all have experienced in society, from TV, educational indoctrination, and our parents misconceptions of what is and isn’t permissible in behaviors.

YOU HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN by parents and societal norms and status quos.  It’s time to find out who you are and why you were so ashamed of you.  People who hide who they are put a box around their own hearts.  By this they make themselves very very sick.  THE ELITE WHO BRAINWASHED YOU AS THE AGES OF 1-7 KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IT TAKES TO SHUT YOU UP AND MAKE YOU SICK.  Think I am kidding?  Or wrong maybe?  I challenge you this…research food as long as I have and you will see their are very evil and extremely knowledgeable people running this show.  It is those elite 1% who have intentionally brought you and many others like you and me to our knees with their drugs and psyop programs.

We MUST abandoned our carnal, primal emotional survival skills of denial in the form of blame, self deception, and covering our childhood with a painting based in pact mentality where our parents and childhood was just fine.  BULLSHIT!  If our emotionally charged childhoods were so fine we would not be pegged for self loathing drizzled with self destruction.  Face the truth and recovery.  Stay in a picture perfect world and remain sick with sick emotional patterns.

If we keep an open mind and get a good therapist along with a 12 step program we will figure out why we were in so much emotional pain for so long.  We should learn emotional tools that we use to process that pain, and really get to know who we are and love and forgive ourselves.  The problem with addicts is they cannot bear to expose vulnerabilities emotionally.  WE SIMPLY MUST EXAMINE childhood HURT, ANGER, AND FEAR to recover in the real world.

The first 2/3 of my life sucked. If someone would have told me I was in purgatory I would have believed it easily even though I didn’t believe in purgatory at the time.  Until I had a certain dreams which were reality.

The whole story and dream are at this link.

**** “https://www.recoveryfarmhouse.net/paradise-for-the-hellbound/#BOWELS OF THE EARTH: THE DREAM” ****

Continue reading “Eyes Wide Shut…the addicts fail-safe”

Are you a New or an Old Soul?

Read this story and find your answer.

There was a blessed spirit in Heaven it could fly; it was completely sustained by the light of God that was readily available in the beyond where it existed. We will call the blessed spirit Elior. Elior could travel from realm to realm, planet to planet; dimension to dimension he could take any shape he wanted. The realm that housed the seven Earths (God did create seven) were only one of the realms that Elior had toured. There was a realm called “Ecstasy”, the realm of “Wisdom”, the powerful realm of “Love”, there was a realm called “The knowledge of every universe”. Elior could help any creature or being that he desired…he did much good and had powerful knowledge as a supernatural entity.
One day during a great rebellion in Heaven by an angel named

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