Father Martin-Gratitude

Gratitude “The Queen of the virtues”

“Gratitude is the only coin by which man can buy God.  The most appropriate depiction of addiction is soul sickness.”  Denial is a prostitution of the soul.”  “You cannot trample on your conscious without pain.”  He tells a joke.  WOW THIS MAN CAN PREACH AA!

Published on Dec 17, 2012
Father Martin speaks about “Gratitude” in this video in such an effective way. Allow someone to view this with you so that they can get the information that they need especially if they are in need of support.
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Published on Dec 18, 2012
Sharing such treasures like this is important. In this video Father Martin speaks about the importance of “Forgiveness” in the “Recovery” process. Hope that you get something out of watching this like thousands of other people in recovery has.

How To Become Who You Really Are

Get To Work!  We are all programmed to become who the system wants us to be.  But first demoralization at heart level must take place in the child.

Then the other programs can be uploaded to your brain.  You can deprogram.  The TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.  BUT DO YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO ACCEPT TRUTH?  Can you embrace FEAR?  SHAME?  GUILT?  Some people cannot and will NEVER admit fear.  And for all I know they believe their own denial of fear.  Please also read fear articles on this site.  Fear processing is vital to knowing ourselves.

Building Self-Worth takes time and work.  But it is a priceless result when we become who we were really meant to be.  We Become who our heart screams and claws inside us to be.

The educational & beast’s media system teaches us one thing primarily…that we are inferior to others.  The emotional knee jerk to that is DENIAL, hide it away by ego.  Hence a country full of people running in DEFENSE MODE.

TV teaches us one thing primarily, the program foundation to all the other programs we get downloaded with “I AM BAD & WRONG”.  Hence a broken heart and low self worth==solution==become someone else.

Work the steps.  In the fourth step expose all fears, shame, guilt, blood guilt, secrets, feelings that you can see and feel at the time. If you have a recurring memory that is accompanied by a feeling it likely is attached to an even that needs processing.

What is “processing” emotional processing is to get out repressed feelings by crying, screaming, writing, sharing, moaning, groaning, etc. while thoroughly remembering the traumatic events.

Do an autobiography by writing your life story of the highlight in your memories.   When writing the biography or auto biography (sorry I forget which word is correct) process every uncomfortable feeling.


See we all have to go back to beginning and relive every event in memory to find out how we were really formed emotionally and mentally.  Then we must process all the “negative” emotions you were taught to bury of you expect to see clearly.

I say work the 12 steps and work them honestly as if your life depended on it.  God wants people before Him who know who they are.  How else will you go before God in Truth?  Prayer must be employed at every turn of your self discovery.  There are all kinds of helps on this website ALL of them having to do with self discovery and how to reach your own singularity.

To chair meetings will build self confidence.  After a year in you should start doing speaker meetings to build more self confidence.  Or perhaps you have not been beat down by the beast system like the rest of us.  We are programmed to demoralize one another at every turn by movies, shows, TV etc while being demoralized constantly.

Get group therapy as well.

Do step eleven religiously.  Meditation in Jesus or your own Higher Power whoever you call Him by.  Jesus answered my cries and helped me alot and still does.  Without God none of this reprogramming will take.  Pray every step of the way to your awakening.  Checkout also https://recoveryfarmhouse.com my earlier website.

Join a home group and open-up to the group.  You have to be a friend to make a friend.  Show vulnerability. (true feelings) Express your fears.  The truth WILL set you free. (don’t incriminate yourself legally) Share “what happened and how it made you feel.)  Get phone numbers of same sex members.  Call them and check in.  Get a sponsor.

Chair meetings, bring meetings into jails and institutions, go to detox to share your story with others.  Get in the middle of the boat, per-say.”  Set goals to accomplish that are fulfilling to you.  Work the 12 steps with all your heart, leave nothing uncovered where shame can get a strong-hold. 

Addiction “cunning baffling and powerful” they say.  Well it’s no longer baffling. Make no mistake you were programmed to become an addict or alcoholic.  I know I was.

Shame is at the core; it drives us to isolate and puts us humans on the defensive.  Put one foot in front of the other.  Do Step Eleven and don’t stop doing it.  Years pass quickly.  I challenge you and myself to meditate 4 times a week and see where that gets us.  So what I am suggesting here should supply both inner fulfillment and enlightenment. 

If we lie still, chant a mantra of our choice.  The demons (metaphor) will leave, they hate when we lie still and focus on finding our Higher Power. Or IT/HE/SHE finding us. 

Meetings every day or two a day.

Dope-Fiend Thief Caught on Camera (video clip)

Most addicts in recovery have done things they are ashamed of. That is one reason a step four is so important. The Twelve Steps are priceless for the addict who wants to recovery from a tainted past.

This fine gentleman thought it would be ok to take our front porch furniture this morning. If you happen to see him, or know of him, please pass on a hearty "thanks a lot DIRTBAG" from me and mine and then alert the Jacksonville police.

Posted by Kristi Houlberg on Saturday, February 13, 2016

Glen Frye “Take it Easy” Rule 62

“Take it easy, don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. Lighten up while you still can don’t even try to understand, just find A place and make your stand and take it easy yee ha!” This line has helped me lighten up on myself many times. It is basically saying the same thing to me as the unwritten rule 62 in AA “don’t take yourself so damn seriously!” I gotta say I have never ever cried over the loss of someone I didn’t know personally. But I am crying now. Listen to the song “Take it Easy” and “Hotel California” now.

glenn snip

CLICK TO HEAR “HOTEL CALIFORNIA” Hotel California Glenn Frye (front right guitarist), Don Henley, Joe Walsh and the gang.
Glenn snip2

Glenn Frey

One of the founding members of the Eagles, Glenn Frey, died today in New York City, his family and bandmates announced on the band’s website.

He was 67.

According to the statement from his loved ones and colleagues, Frey’s death was caused by complications from rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis and pneumonia.

“The Frey family would like to thank everyone who joined Glenn to fight this fight and hoped and prayed for his recovery,” read a statement on the Eagles’ website. “Words can neither describe our sorrow nor our love and respect for all that he has given to us, his family, the music community and millions of fans worldwide.”

A Detroit native, Frey met Don Henley when they were in their 20s and new to the music business. Soon after, they formed the Eagles with Randy Meisner and Bernie Leadon, quickly becoming one of the most popular rock bands of all time, with hits including “Take It Easy,” “Desperado,” and “Hotel California.” (Meisner was replaced by Timothy B. Schmit in 1977 and Joe Walsh took over for Leadon in 1975.) ABC NEWS click here to read entire article abc.com

SANDY BEACH-Everything is perception


There’s a great article in the Tampa Times about his life and legacy.  read the Tampa Times article here


An Alcoholics Anonymous member Randy M. brought Sandy to his last meeting on Sunday night at 7:30 pm. The two were attending their meeting at Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church. The meeting was supposed to have a speaker discuss a step. While Randy went to grab some black coffee for the man, Sandy waited, perhaps looking tired. “I asked him if he was okay,” Randy explained Sandy’s last words. “He looked at me and said, ‘Thanks for bringing me to the meeting, buddy.’” Randy went to grab the man some black coffee and came back hearing his friend abruptly fell forward onto page 23 of the Alcoholics Anonymous literature, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, which ironically just so happened to discuss the first step – the most meaningful one to Sandy. As sad as the man’s death may be, Sandy lived a long life with an inspiring message sent about the gifts that sobriety can bring when you are honesty, open-minded, and willing to recover.

12 Steps of AA with Father Martin “CHALK TALK”

12 Steps of AA with Father Martin
“Bill Wilson was the man who dreamed the impossible dream till he reached the unreachable star!” Beautiful quote!


Go to video and skip commentary!

If you are one of those people who automatically agree with everything any and all A.A. Guru’s say you won’t like my commentary on this video. Take what you need and leave the rest but please don’t white-wash or blind yourself to anybody’s rhetoric as if they were perfect or a God. We are all human and all make mistakes. We all occasionally engage in a little verbal error.


Father Martin says (paraphrased) “psychologists say, [you are alcoholic because you have an inferiority complex], his answer to that theory is, “maybe I have an inferiority complex because I AM inferior.” Hmm well I don’t believe that, not for a minute, I believe we are all equal, he is oversimplifying a profound truth about the alcoholic including himself. Maybe he is incapable of addressing his own inferiority complex. Step 12 builds the self esteem that is needed to walk in equality with our fellow man.


Step One “In weakness we are made strong” New International Version 2nd Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.


The Priest says that Bill W. stated what the insanity of the disease is and described it as this. “When the alki is completely physically sober and yet picks up the drink of alcohol that is killing him that is insane.” Emotions, the priest says are dominating the alcoholic rather than intellect when he does this. This ideal is perfectly in line with my own theory that grave emotional disorder IS the WHY behind addiction. Furthermore that theory is why and how addiction can be cured. He says don’t use


“Admitted to God, ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs”                                                                                                                                                                                     He says Step Five is vital and a once in a lifetime job. Well I agree it’s vital but “once in a lifetime”,I question that. Obviously if I go out and murder a man I will need to do another fifth step for certain. How in the hell could a priest of all things not see that? That is baffling. Step Five should be a prescription that says “as needed” on the package. (i.m.o)

The Priest began a reference toward the human aspect of step five. “Admitted to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs”. He goes on to say with a hint of disgust in his voice “step five is the most humiliating thing that can happen to anybody>” WOW! If that is the way people really feeling about confessing their shameful misdeeds to another human being it’s no wonder so few people that cast a shadow in the doorway of A.A. actually do all 12 steps. I have had many many sponsees who have no problem doing steps one through three. But when they get to step four…they bolt. In ten years I have one sponsee who is still sober and did all twelve steps. I don’t blame myself.

“BILL WILSON’S BEST SLOGAN ACCORING TO FATHER MARTIN, IS” “THE GOOD IS OFTEN THE ENEMY OF THE BEST”  Interestingly enough I wrote an article on that slogan/topic back in June of 2014.


The Father Martin call step 12 a command.  Not a suggestion, not a request, but a command.  Interesting.  And finally he tells us that Bill W. wrote the steps for the first time with the word “God” in place of “Higher Power” but he realized that he had to change the title of the entity because people were just too afraid of the prospect of a relationship with “God” .

Share this with others please. Thanks. “Fair Use” Section 107 through 118 of the copyright..


Prescription drugs are now killing far more people than illegal drugs

According to an article written by By Dr. Mercola The World’s #1 Natural Health Website.  

Most Likely Way To Die

Notice in this video that leading cause of death for a male 30 years old is “poisoning”, second is “suicide” and third, is “car accident”.  In all of the articles I have read about death statistics they don’t call it “death by prescription drug” or “prescription and human error” or “malpractice” for instance.  But rather when there is a drug related or “fatal hospital incident”.  The hospital incidents happen much more than you would think.  Another sad but true statistic is Death by accident is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.   Also between 2000 and 2008 motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of death by injury, but suicide surpassed car crashes in 2009, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Public Health. So there’s a good chance we will go-out in our cars. Lol!  All we do is laugh and use our time as best we know how, However that is?


Here’s an efficient article on Hospital accidents.

HOSPITAL ACCIDENTS .  Or just watch the video.


Now comes a study in the current issue of the Journal of Patient Safety that says the numbers may be much higher — between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death.  The hospital is a dangerous place.

That would make medical errors the third-leading cause of death in America, behind heart disease, which is the first, and cancer, which is second.
This article is from 2009 the 2014 articles I read are putting “accidents” in third place for deaths in the U.S.
Nearly $1.3 billion was paid in malpractice claims for outpatient events in 2009.
Outpatient Medical Errors May Surpass Those In Hospitals
The new estimates were developed by John T. James, a toxicologist at NASA’s space center in Houston who runs an advocacy organization called Patient Safety America. James has also written a book about the death of his 19-year-old son after what James maintains was negligent hospital care.
Drug http://www.drugabuse.gov/related-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-ratesCompanies are not just big business, they are some of the biggest businesses.


There’s a party going on and the entire country is invited. The problem is, it’s an opioid party—and too many Americans have been accepting the invitation.

Drugs Suck

TWITTER:  BernieSanders: The truth is, the insurance companies and the drug companies are bribing the United States Congress.


Once you realize the connection between street drugs and prescription drugs, it’s easy to figure out why Big Pharma is such a strong supporter of the Partnership For A Drug-Free America — because they don’t want consumers getting their drugs from street dealers, they want people buying their drugs from drug companies! Drug companies’ attempts to outlaw street drugs are little more than a way of eliminating the competition and monopolizing the drug market.

Here are seven facts you probably never knew about the connection between street drugs and pharmaceutical companies:   The connection between street drugs and pharmaceutical companies.


Climate Change Denial

Climate Change Denial

Check out the NOAA’s Sea Level Rise Viewer Tool HERE

Addicts weather in recovery or not are well skilled in the art of emotional, and intellectual DENIAL.  It would NOT surprise me one bit to find that rarely do any sober addicts believe our planet is in danger of flooding due to the melting icecaps, Greenland, and the Arctic.  Nor would most believe the melting ice caps are most likely caused by man made chemical pollutants.  The fact that Miami has been flooding recently isn’t enough of a slap in the face to wake people up YET.  But the question to me is this, why is it when scientists give us hard facts due to research, experiments, and truthful scientific data that we believe them EXCEPT when it involves such a horrible and inconvenient truth as the destruction of life on Earth as we know it?  When science tells a man “if you have an erection lasting more than four hours contact a doctor immediately…well they do it by god!  Or if science tells us a cure for Cancer is discovered and works famously…we believe it!  But what is it about rising seas and raging thermometers that makes people think OPINION SUDDENLY TRUMPS SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH?  What the hell, 60% or the world are global warming deniers?

Flooding Map and projected sea rise levels in your area.  Find out how long we have till the melting Arctic and Greenland turn to floods.  The small ice caps have already melted folks.  Look it up. CLICK the blue “Start” to click on and see your towns flood potential.

Many scientists are saying we are living the sixth “mass extinction” and that it’s actually amazing we humans have survived as long as we have.

I have spent weeks on websites like National Geographic, NASA and NASA’s Climate Kids, Miami Times, Climate Central, floodsmart, Weather Plus, and many other reputable government weather and ecology websites.  I have researched the dead zones, the red tides, the melting ice caps, the pollution, the nitrates, the carbons, the causes of our hot planet, I have even investigated the psychological causes of the male hierarchical climate change denial and why they call the science a hoax.  And through all my research my conclusion is this;  

The predictions are saying 4 feet rise by 2100, 2 ft rise by 2050 so that would give a 1 ft. rise by what?   Well if in 33 years it rises 4 ft.  then divide that by 4 that make it 8.25 years a foot higher.  https://www.epa.gov/climate-change-science/future-climate-change#Sea level



Man does not want to take responsibility for the demise of the Earth hence the denial.  Second If we were to acknowledge the impending doom we would be forced to be inconvenienced.  And given the selfish make up of human-kind we say SCREW INCONVENIENCE and climate disasters.  Map of rising seas.

Mankind will not acknowledge climate change disaster until it is in his midst.  Weather the disaster is natural or man made is partly irrelevant.  What will we do?  Create giant ice cubes and throw them every morning into our seas to slow things down?  No wonder they are polluting the skies with aerial smoke to slow down the heat of the sun.

God knows addicts usually hate change and acknowledging disastrous climate change is the epitome of embracing change on a colossal level.  I know it’s changing me already.    Psychology of a climate change denier.  Still wondering about those “FEMA coffins” that are stacked up miles high in FEMA camp locations around the country?

For me all this climate change awareness started with the rude awakening of my favorite beaches being quite literally DEAD.  Yes dead no oxygen to sustain life, that’s pretty fucking bad wouldn’t you say?   When I shared my disastrous scientific finding on Facebook one of my friends says; “I was just through there, my breathing was fine.”  When I asked him if he went out on the beach he had no answer to the question.  The oxygen is being sucked from the air on the beaches of the West coast of Florida from St.Pete to Naples.  But even the local residents are deep in denial if they are not directly on the beach where life is impacted and the health risks evident.  The majority of old timers in Bradenton area are coughing their asses off and blaming it on allergies.  Right allergies. I had a headache the entire time I was there.  I am telling you, I was there and 50% of people over the age of 60 are in the throws of coughing fits. Cats are getting asthma and pneumonia is on the rise. http://www.recoveryfarmhouse.net/and-a-third-of-the-waters-were-blood/  The person in the hotel room next to mine coughed all night.  I took one gulp of beach air and new exactly what it was…Red Tide oxygen depletion.

For years the powers that be have been saying the Red Tide is from a bloom but really it’s from the death of a rampant over-run of agael due to the artificial fertilization of oceanic plant life. Which in turn dies and a bacteria over-runs the oxygen creating Dead Zones. “A natural occurrence”?  Right hyped up man made fertilizers running endlessly into the Mississippi to our oceans is anything but “natural”, well I guess that depends on your definition of “natural”.  Read Red Tide Here. I heard that 40 years ago when Red Tides were few and far between.  Now they just won’t go away.
But who gives a fuck? Not anybody on my friends list well no I take that back…I have one or two friends out of thousands who actually think mass extinction, Red Tide, and Polar melting is an immediate threat to life on this planet.
Well there’s always the aliens opinions…and a message from the aliens on a webpage that has over 200 million page views. Interesting very interesting. http://humansarefree.com/2014/10/alien-message-to-mankind-do-you-wish.html





The only hole in the 12 steps of AA is the lack of empathy by the prerequisite that we are never victims.  The rule (paraphrased see below for full quote) that when there is something bothering us it is always our fault (that we are disturbed) makes way for more shame, guilt, and self punishment.   There is a horrific absence of a way to process abuse, neglect, and emotional trauma.  Emotional hurts and pains are often written off by members as either self-pity or unfounded and selfish character defects.  Furthermore insinuating that emotions are “wrong” says that I as a person am “wrong” because my feelings are a part of me and they emerge from my heart.

pg. 417 BB

“When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation- some fact of my life- unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept my life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes”

The notion that nothing happens in God’s world by accident, well that would mean we have no free-will and humans are nothing short of robots.  We do not have to go to such extremes to make the point that God works in our lives.  The reason people use extremes in conversation is they have spent a life-time not being heard and feel they must exaggerate to be heard at all.  Understandable.

If there were another set of steps to address the wrongs done to us resulting in deep wounds, and emotional devastation the program would be more successful I believe.  These deep emotional wounds have caused the addict much pain. Pain is the very reason that many of us drank and drugged.  WE NEED TO LEARN HOW TO PROCESS EMOTIONAL HURTS RATHER THAN BEING ASHAMED OF OUR VULNERABILITIES AND HIDING THEM AWAY.

Trauma is not an outside issue.  But rather it is THE Issue.  Trauma and emotional disorder is the WHY behind the addiction.

Please don’t hear what I am not saying.  12 step programs are good and have helped millions including myself.   There are some really twisted common belief systems running rampant in AA and NA  .

One common dogma I have seen often is a kind of jealousy over the program.  People will get angry and down right mean if you say that therapy or church or even rehab centers have helped to keep you sober.

We shouldn’t knock supplemental  healing and recovery methods till we’ve tried them.  If people have found “a cure” for addiction and are sharing it who are we to say it’s not successful?  Many  people find answers in places other than AA.  The problem is some addicts who still suffer from low self-worth often attach their own identities to the program.   These insecure addicts seem to think if there is another solution offered other than AA it is a direct reflection on them and not in a good way.

There is an unwritten rule if we don’t wear the identity of ‘sick addict’ or ‘alcoholic, addict’ then our egos will take flight and we will relapse straight away.  If we don’t repeatedly identify ourselves as addicts we will then believe we can drink and drug successfully.  Really, AA and NA are programs designed by addicts, there are bound to be some flaws.  But now advertisements on TV and online are claiming there is a cure.   So the dry drunk AA-er feels put-down by the prospect of a true cure.  The dogma of AA teaches us that the minute we feel cured and no longer need meetings we are sicker than ever.  When really the actual danger lies in the belief that we can drink like normal people.  But alcoholics have an allergy to alcohol that will not disappear except by some rare miracle.

What’s The Cure?

If we truly work the steps, open up in long term therapy, and find our Higher Power we will be cured.  Not cured to drink again, rather cured to not want to drink again, we won’t see drinking as a solution.  Still it’s important also to have fellowship, not necessarily in a program.    Anxiety and depression can be cured as well. Why do so many people get outside help, including Bill W?   We don’t have to fear the word “emotional disorder”. All it means is our healthy emotional process has been stifled.  Often the reason we have stifled it is usually that we were taught at a young age our feelings and processes were wrong. Regaining a healthy emotional process and using it on our most intense past hurts is how we heal core issues and truly recover with God’s help.   It doesn’t mean that AA or Bill W is bad or wrong, it just means that no one taught Bill W this aspect of healing. He was human and did not have all the answers.

Any Negativity is a Character Defect

You don’t take deep pains and hurts and tag them as character defects. That’s absurd and crying is not self pity but rather a key healthy emotional process.  The grieving process starts with feeling the pain not shutting it down.  If we move straight into the “my part (what I did wrong in the past)” and character defects without processing our core pains and hurts of how we were wronged then all we are doing is putting a band-aid on an infected sore.

Why do people scream “OUTSIDE ISSUE” in the rooms whenever someone starts talking about child abuse.  Abuse and neglect are why people become addicts and those who scream “outside issue” the loudest are most likely trying to further repress their own abuse as a child.  People love to sit in the rooms after a horrific bout of drug abuse and swear they had a wonderful childhood.  Many people have no idea what neglect and abuse looks like.  But I guarantee, if these people would actually take meditation seriously and do it on a regular basis, they would most likely remember some form of childhood trauma.

Resentments are never valid-false

All feelings are valid.  Feelings come from our heart, a place of truth.  We get angry for a valid reason.  It’s hanging on to that anger rather than letting it flow out of us in a non harmful way that gets us in trouble and gets us sick with resentment.

Children don’t usually get angry toward adults for no reason at all.  If we were harmed, and many of us were then we are legitimate victims.  Not everything is ‘our fault’ so we mustn’t treat it as if it were.  Sharing our trauma with an understanding and empathic listener who will point out the validity of our hurt and show caring understanding is where the healing begins.   Statements like “I know how you feel”  or “I was abused also and the man is a son of a bitch to do what he did”, shows support, relating, caring and validation.  Empathy not spankings are needed for healing wounds.  And the thing is, many addicts are badly wounded.    Emotional issues are not an outside issue separate from addiction, they are, I believe the biggest reasons behind addiction.