The Most Valuable Lesson in Recovery

You are beautiful and there are ways to teach your heart to believe it.

Truly Step Eleven has brought me the most enlightenment, healing, self awareness, and fulfillment of all the 12 steps.  Granted, the other eleven steps are necessary for recovery.  But had I not spent years in meditation I would not know myself or my Higher Power very well.

My Higher Power is light and life.  I am light and life.  Connecting to my H.P. during prayer and meditation allows me to absorb the gifts the Spirit has for me.  The most wonderful experience and closeness to The Creator I have ever

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Is Your A.A. Sponsor your Army Sergeant?

What is the best kind of sponsor?

There has been a long standing debate in A.A. about what kind of sponsor is right.  The kind who is loving, caring, considerate, respectful, informative, giving, truthful, and assertive.  Or the kind who says “I am not here to be your friend, get off your lazy low-life ass and do this work.” Or as one man shared recently about a man in A.A. who “saved his life” by saying to him early on in recovery “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS”.  OUCH! I SAY OUCH TO THAT.  But it worked for him.  It got his attention he said.  But not all emotional pain is self-pity, on the contrary.  Trauma needs to be expressed to come out.

Granted keep in mind in our scenario both sponsors are teaching the twelve steps and the traditions from the Big Book.  The personalities are just an added flavor or bi-product of their Sponsorship.

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Organic Marijuana and Spirituality

Organic High Grade Marijuana and Spirituality

What’s the Link? (article written by Brenda Lane) Pertaining to addiction recovery.

The prospect of a spiritual tool like pot to help enable a spiritual experience of awakening isn’t something we should do often.  It’s kindred to going into the mountains, taking peyote, and facing your demons.  If your used to high grade pot it will not work.  If you smoke pot recreationally it will not work because your too used to it.

First Protection

I don’t advise meditation without the covering of Jesus. Furthermore I don’t even advise smoking pot without the covering of Jesus.   I meditate in Christ covered by His sacred blood that He shed on the Cross, and by His Spirit.  Why?  I would not feel safe seeking the spirit realm without spiritual protection.  It’s not wise at all.

2. But isn’t meditation evil according to Christians?

“And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming.”

Yes Christians on the most part think meditation and even the sacred crystals written of in the Bible are evil.  Satan has done his job well convincing us to only talk and never LISTEN to God.  Training your mind to listen to God is what meditation is about in my book.

Moreover how is getting quiet and seeking a closer relationship with God evil?  How is using the Lords prayer as a mantra and envisioning it word for word evil?  The reason to do this is to train our minds to think on one thought and not stray.  Once we have succeeded with this we can empty our minds.  Is that also evil?  And all this should be done (if you are a Christian) to seek Jesus, have self revelation of our fears, hurts, shame, and improve our godly walk.

How to meditate

If pot was or is your drug of choice, or if you see it as a chronic and addictive solution to fear and your emotional condition then pot meditation does not apply to you.  If you  believe addiction is about the substance rather than a person’s heart and mind then this article does not apply to you and won’t make sense.   Clearly there are people whom pot simply didn’t work for in their addiction.  These are the very people who can benefit most from an occasional organic high grade Marijuana meditation session.
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Parasites-Evil or Good?

Omg. Have you heard of the Parasitic wasp that only preys on Cockroaches? It paralyzes the roach and literally makes the roach his bitch till the babies bust out of the stomach, kind of like “Alien”. Check it out. “In Defense of Cheats” .  You guys must listen to these radio shows. The middle one may be the whole show (not sure) Start with that one cause it’s the beginning. Who knew that hook worms can cure diseases. And the story of the parasitic wasp that preys on roaches is out of this world crazy! I have discovered “SCIENCE LAB” on NPR Radio it’s awesome, very educational and entertaining at the same time.

Here’s the link to the actual page for more info if you like:

Sculptors of Monumental Narrative-The Hookworm Cure

Beginning of show, Listen here first.

Have you heard of the “Parasitic Wasp” who preys only on Roaches?


We pay tribute to the ingenious (and stomach-churning) ways that parasites hook up with hosts in our Parasites episode. Case in point: the parasitic nematode, which turns an ant’s rear end into a ripe-looking red morsel that, to a hungry bird, looks like a juicy berry.

Father Knows Best…or does he?


False pride has been my most besetting character defect.  I like to think even today that I am absolutely recovered.  I like to think all my intense emotional trauma has been talked out, written through, cried and screamed out of my lungs and gone for good.  God knows I have worked on my sobriety by spiritual, emotional, and 12 step work at a very deep level. I have learned to take responsibility for the way I feel and to find the root and process it, rather than blame some silly event of person in today.

I have learned the difference between the three types of healing and malady “emotional, spiritual, and 12 step/character defect” recovery.   By receiving the solutions to each aspect of recovery separately and at different times my recovery has been educational and worth sharing.  I harp on the emotional recovery because it’s my most recent form of deliverance.  Emotional recovery involves processing feelings and events of the past.  It involves core issues and core healing.

But in the last two years I have realized by the anger I have felt and the

Continue reading “Father Knows Best…or does he?”

AA member -medications and other drugs

Alcoholics Anonymous on Medications and other drugs

Let’s face it in my own experience some doctors have major prejudice against drug addicts.  Alcoholics not so much.  Doctors don’t care if you drank.  They do get angry though over the many dope fiends who have tried to hustle them for pills over and over and over again.  In retaliation (perhaps even subconsciously) they have been knows to withhold drugs from  professed drug addicts in desperate situations of illness, injury, emergency, and health issues.  In early recovery it’s vital we don’t walk out of a doctors office with the very instrument to bring us to our death.  But at the same time in hospitals and controlled settings, surgery, and injury WE ARE NOT MARTYRS.  We deserve the same pain relief as the next guy.  We should not be punished for our histories by which we have surely suffered enough.  If you want God to be your only pain relief after surgery fine, but don’t demand it of anyone else or infer we are not sober because we needed to take meds from a doctor.  Another informative article with A.A. & N.A.’s views on the matter.  Though neither organizations takes into account the numerous pill pushing doctors who will be your best enablers is you take their advice.  Therefore to thine own self be true.

Continue reading “AA member -medications and other drugs”

Oprah and Food Addiction

Oprah and Food Addiction
Oprah’s Special Announcment
Oprah’s very public food addiction
Oprah’s Weight Watchers call
Oprah’s ongoing battle with food addiction
You must have seen the Tabloid headlines announcing to the whole world that Oprah hit the 200 pound mark again. Food Addiction is still, after all these years, a reality for her.
I actually read a whole article on this in her O magazine at the gym. I do not agree with the whole new age journey into self that she embraces. Unfortunately all of this is a far cry from her Christian roots, however, I do admire the woman’s openness about her struggle with food addiction (not that it is such an easy thing to hide). Could be that we never would have heard a word about it if it was a struggle with drugs or alcohol.

Oprah The Magic of Gratitude

Please click the picture to see the precious video.
Gratitude Louis Schwartzberg

Oprah sits down with award-winning filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg to discuss his time-lapse nature photography and the inherent spirituality revealed through nature. Louie, whose TED talk on gratitude has been viewed more than 6 million times, captures breathtaking images on film that are often unseen by the naked eye and that celebrate the gift of life.

As Oprah and Louie view some of his most magnificent work, they discuss how nature can act as one of our greatest spiritual teachers. A firm believer that beauty is nature’s tool for survival, Louie also shares how the awe of seeing nature can make one more present and mindful and can help us connect to our inner voice. By allowing viewers to see that which can’t be seen, Louie hopes to cultivate gratitude and an awareness that nature is a reflection of the human experience.

Read more:


Hi I am Lori a recovered addict

I can’t send you to this article until I share something with you about my own liver illness story.  This is the story of how God healed my liver from Hepatitis B and more.

Completely Healed from Hepatitis B (my story) HERE IS THE LINK TO THE LIVER HEALING ARTICLE (someone elses story)

This past February, I was thrown off of my health high-horse. What first started as a headache, fever, and body aches, quickly escalated into an excruciating migraine, debilitating muscle stiffness, and an overwhelming sense of nausea. I was hit with what I thought was a nasty case of the seasonal flu, and it sucked. But I powered through, drinking my liquids and following the natural recommended flu-protocol, knowing that it would all be over within a few days.

My prognosis proved wrong, however. Over a week into my sickness I still couldn’t eat, and I was dropping weight like a Jenny Craig story gone right. The only word I could use to describe the feeling in my stomach was “gross.” My usually clear skin had broken out, and my urine and stool were also starting to look “off” to say the least, which caused some serious concern.