You might consider the possibility when you see these up and coming anatomically correct dolls. furthermore scientists are very close to making them highly interactive. They will talk back, react, and have their own personalities.
Would marrying a cyborg be considered codependent and rooted in addiction?
Would marrying a cyborg be a sin?
You wouldn’t really have to “work” at the relationship because the owner of the cyborg would have complete control over his mate. Manufacturers are already selling complex high sensitivity sex dolls.
Artificial intelligence researcher David Levy at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands recently completed his Ph.D. work on the subject of human-robot relationships, covering many of the privileges and practices that generally come with marriage as well as outside of it.
Levy predicts first, sex with robots might be considered geeky, “but once you have a story like ‘I had sex with a robot, and it was great!’ appear someplace like Cosmo magazine, I’d expect many people to jump on the bandwagon,” Levy said. There will be people, however, Levy said, people like Anthony maybe, for whom a sexbot holds a strong appeal. “I’m hoping to help people,” he said, then elaborated:
“People ask me the question, ‘Why is a relationship with a robot better than a relationship with a human?’ And I don’t think that’s the point at all. For millions of people in the world, they can’t make a good relationship with other humans. For them the question is not, ‘Why is a relationship with a robot better?’ For them the question is, would it be better to have a relationship with a robot or no relationship at all?”
To me (author of article, Lori Edgar, recovered addict), It’s not that the act of marrying a cyborg is dysfunctional but rather, the person who would need that type of relationship must certainly be dysfunctional to a point. A relationship with a cyborg lacks the social Love and nurturing which are the human essentials of a healthy romantic relationship. At the same time many alcoholics, addicts, and some normies are so painfully horrible at relationships perhaps a cyborg marriage would be a step up? However, many times addicts who do recover from addictions move on to have very healthy Loving relationships. Truly if an addict works the 12 steps thoroughly the fear of people and allowing fear to dominate his actions should be a thing of the past. Therefore a recovered addict can then have a real healthy long term love affair.
Certainly not all addicts suck at relationships but clearly my own experience shows the majority do suck at it until they stay sober for a few years. Please; this doesn’t mean we in recovery are bad people it just means that often we were not shown at a young age by our caregivers what a healthy relationship is. People whose parents are still married tend to be better at staying in a marriage and not engaging in disrespectful behavior toward their mate. There is a clear similarity here between the “fear of people” or more precisely put the “fear of what people think of me” addressed in the Big Book chapter “How it Works” and a dysfunctional need to be in a relationship with a non-personality, non-human.
But what about just having sex with a human-like cyborg doll? Couldn’t that just be considered an exotic form of masturbation. After all masturbation is a socially accepted act and what’s the difference between having a bottle of lotion or a $4,000 cyborg sex doll? Couldn’t the doll be just another masturbation tool? Think about the many advantages, manufacturers are saying it’s an alternative to adultery to put it in an acceptable light.
There are stories at the “videos link” of people who have actually fallen in Love with their “Real Dolls” and the dolls give them a reason to live. Is it our right to judge them? Absolutely not. I believe if no one is getting hurt it’s not my business to judge or deny a man his interactive sex doll. After watching the “Real Life Stories” below I can’t figure out if I am more creeped out or sympathetic toward the lonely men who need their dolls. The “creeped out” part of me that screams out “that is so f-ing sick!” Isn’t the side of me that should win out here. That attitude is based in a lack of understanding and a bit of fear of the unknown. “Live and Let Live” is the side that should win out in me regarding this topic.
Roxxxy the US$7,000 companion/sex robot is interactive and even has an orgasm! Roxxxy has a heartbeat and a circulatory system! The circulatory system helps heat the inside of her body.
Roxxy has different personalities which can be matched as close as possible to your own. The makers “TrueCompanion” say they have a “Rocky” in the works.
In my opinion the Japanese have taken the cake on best looking sex doll

Orient Industry says their new range of dolls, made from high quality silicon, are so realistic there is very little to distinguish them from a real girlfriend at first glance.
The dolls, which are non inflatable, are sold under the name ‘Dutch Wives’, a Japanese term for a sex doll, and adverts in the media boast that anyone who buys one will never want a real girlfriend again. JAPANESE DUTCH WIVES SEE HERE
Humans will be marrying robots within 50 years, according to David Levy, winner of the 2009 Loebner Prize for artificial intelligence.
“People will have fewer problems with robots,” declares Mr. Levy, who cites advances in intelligence simulation that will enable people to carry on long-term relationships with artificial human companions. “Robots will be programmed to be sensitive sex therapists and help them to get over their sexual problems.”
Although such machines won’t initially be cheap, Mr. Levy says he hopes that, as with other electronic products, demand eventually will drive prices down.
Frederic Kaplan, the robotics researcher who co-programmed the brain of Sony’s robot dog Aibo, is skeptical of claims like Mr. Levy’s. He agrees that highly sophisticated sex robots will be available soon but says he doesn’t think they will ever successfully pass as humans.
To rap it all up see the techno video at pornorags.com, “The Top Ten Amazing and somewhat terrifying facts about Al the robot.