Get To Work! We are all programmed to become who the system wants us to be. But first demoralization at heart level must take place in the child.
Then the other programs can be uploaded to your brain. You can deprogram. The TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE. BUT DO YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO ACCEPT TRUTH? Can you embrace FEAR? SHAME? GUILT? Some people cannot and will NEVER admit fear. And for all I know they believe their own denial of fear. Please also read fear articles on this site. Fear processing is vital to knowing ourselves.
Building Self-Worth takes time and work. But it is a priceless result when we become who we were really meant to be. We Become who our heart screams and claws inside us to be.
The educational & beast’s media system teaches us one thing primarily…that we are inferior to others. The emotional knee jerk to that is DENIAL, hide it away by ego. Hence a country full of people running in DEFENSE MODE.
TV teaches us one thing primarily, the program foundation to all the other programs we get downloaded with “I AM BAD & WRONG”. Hence a broken heart and low self worth==solution==become someone else.
Work the steps. In the fourth step expose all fears, shame, guilt, blood guilt, secrets, feelings that you can see and feel at the time. If you have a recurring memory that is accompanied by a feeling it likely is attached to an even that needs processing.
What is “processing” emotional processing is to get out repressed feelings by crying, screaming, writing, sharing, moaning, groaning, etc. while thoroughly remembering the traumatic events.
Do an autobiography by writing your life story of the highlight in your memories. When writing the biography or auto biography (sorry I forget which word is correct) process every uncomfortable feeling.
See we all have to go back to beginning and relive every event in memory to find out how we were really formed emotionally and mentally. Then we must process all the “negative” emotions you were taught to bury of you expect to see clearly.
I say work the 12 steps and work them honestly as if your life depended on it. God wants people before Him who know who they are. How else will you go before God in Truth? Prayer must be employed at every turn of your self discovery. There are all kinds of helps on this website ALL of them having to do with self discovery and how to reach your own singularity.
To chair meetings will build self confidence. After a year in you should start doing speaker meetings to build more self confidence. Or perhaps you have not been beat down by the beast system like the rest of us. We are programmed to demoralize one another at every turn by movies, shows, TV etc while being demoralized constantly.
Get group therapy as well.
Do step eleven religiously. Meditation in Jesus or your own Higher Power whoever you call Him by. Jesus answered my cries and helped me alot and still does. Without God none of this reprogramming will take. Pray every step of the way to your awakening. Checkout also my earlier website.
Join a home group and open-up to the group. You have to be a friend to make a friend. Show vulnerability. (true feelings) Express your fears. The truth WILL set you free. (don’t incriminate yourself legally) Share “what happened and how it made you feel.) Get phone numbers of same sex members. Call them and check in. Get a sponsor.
Chair meetings, bring meetings into jails and institutions, go to detox to share your story with others. Get in the middle of the boat, per-say.” Set goals to accomplish that are fulfilling to you. Work the 12 steps with all your heart, leave nothing uncovered where shame can get a strong-hold.
Addiction “cunning baffling and powerful” they say. Well it’s no longer baffling. Make no mistake you were programmed to become an addict or alcoholic. I know I was.
Shame is at the core; it drives us to isolate and puts us humans on the defensive. Put one foot in front of the other. Do Step Eleven and don’t stop doing it. Years pass quickly. I challenge you and myself to meditate 4 times a week and see where that gets us. So what I am suggesting here should supply both inner fulfillment and enlightenment.
If we lie still, chant a mantra of our choice. The demons (metaphor) will leave, they hate when we lie still and focus on finding our Higher Power. Or IT/HE/SHE finding us.
Meetings every day or two a day.